今年の2月、WWEと契約を結びました。フロリダのタンパに住居を移して、今、WWEのデベロップメント団体のFCW(Florida Championship Wrestling)で試合をしています。簡単に言うと、FCWはレスラーがRAWやスマックダウンで闘う準備をする場所です。ほとんどのWWEのスターたちはこのデベロップメントのテリトリーで調整をしてきました。ジョン・シナ、ランディー・オートン、ブロック・レスナー、CMパンクなどはOVW(Ohio Valley Wrestling)というデベロップメント団体を経て、シェーマス、コフィー・キングトン、ヨシタツなどはFCWを経て、WWEのメインのレスラーとなりました。
というわけで、僕の新しい旅がはじまりました。僕はもうすぐWWEのスーパースターになります。ここに至るまで長年の激しいトレーニングと犠牲が必要でした。でも、自分の好きなことをしているのだから、当然のことです。日本が恋しいです。日本で最後に試合をしてから1年以上になります。次に日本に行くときはWWEのスーパースターとして行きます。考えただけで興奮します!変わらないファンの応援は、ファイティングスピリットを持続する力をくれます。僕の第二の故郷に戻るのを楽しみにしています。「Oh No! オーノ!Oh No!」というコールを観客が始めると、僕は相手をローリングエルボーでノックアウトします!
Hello friends! It has been a long time. Too long. I want to apologize to any of my Japanese followers that have missed my blogs. I have been very busy these days but I never want to be too busy for those that make it possible for me to do what I love. Thank you for your continued support. Here is my update.
In February of this year I signed a contract with WWE. I now live in Tampa, Florida and am wrestling for WWE's Developmental system, FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling). Basically, we at FCW are being prepared to wrestle on RAW or Smackdown. Most of WWE's top stars have fine tuned their abilities in these developmental territories. John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar & CM Punk came through Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). Sheamus, Kofi Kingston & Yoshi Tatsu all performed for FCW prior to joining the main WWE roster.
My former partner Claudio Castagnoli now wrestles on Smackdown as Antonio Cesaro. This brings me to another bit of news.
I am no longer known as Chris Hero. I now wrestle under the name "Kassius Ohno". My inspiration is the Great Muhammad Ali. Before he embraced Islam, his name was Cassius. And Ohno? Maybe it will make sense when you see my Rolling Elbow figuratively cutting the heads off of my opponents. It is a bit of a tribute to the connection I feel with the country of Japan.
Now my new journey has started. I will soon be a WWE Superstar. It has taken many years of sacrifice and hard work but it's what I love and therefore has been an easy decision to make. I miss Japan. It's been over a year since the last time I have performed in Japan and the next time I enter the country will be as a WWE Superstar. That excites me very much! The support of my dedicated fans always gives me the strength to find my fighting spirit. I look forward to returning to my home away from home. When I hear "Oh No, Oh No, Oh No" from the crowd, you can be sure that I will bring each of you with me as I knock my opponent out with a Rolling Elbow!
I want to dedicate this blog to the memory of my fallen friend, Bison Smith. He was a huge man with an even bigger heart. He taught me a lot in my overseas tours. I know he seemed to be a big scary gaijin wrestler, but deep down he was compassionate and respectful. I think of Bison all of the time and I KNOW how much he loved Japan. The fans gave him so much energy and he always appreciated them for it. As much as I wish he was still here with us, I consider myself lucky to have been able to spend so much time with such a great man. I will bring his spirit with me wherever I go. BAI_SONNNNNN~!
Here are some videos from my matches in FCW. Pay close attention to the shirts I wear in the interviews.
Thank you all and I hope to see you soon!
Arigatou Gozaimasu