














The pain caused BY my elbow v. the pain caused TO my elbow.

Walking down the streets of Sasebo, Nagasaki we were surprised to see many gaijin. As it turns out theres a US Naval base there & a handful of the soldiers turned up at our event that night. This gave me a crowd advantage versus Mikey Nicholls as a loud USA chant echoed throughout the Hall. I would assume that it's much harder to chant rhythmically in favor of Australia, haha.

Mikey is incredibly strong. I find him similar in-ring to Harry Smith/Davey Boy Jr. he tossed me all over the ring. I took the advantage with boots to his face, even bloodying him mouth with my first kick. He fought back with sharp chops & I felt my chest begin to swell instantly. If a chop is only superficial, it stings and causes a quick surge of pain (Think of a Ric Flair chop). If a chop is heavy it can damage your lungs & ribs making it deeply painful to breathe in and out (These are the Kobashi/Kensuke style chops). These chops were very heavy so I needed to kick Mikey square in the face to discourage him from continuing his chop attack, ha. As the match unfolded I would have to attack Mr. Nicholls with my trademark elbow strikes. Eventually, I connected with two consecutive Rolling Elbows and Mikey just screamed in my face. His body was flowing with adrenaline (a brief moment where your brain tricks the body into not feeling pain) and I knew that if I wanted to beat him I'd need to hit him as hard as humanly possible. I picked up the victory with a Death Blow (Hangman's Neckbreaker hold followed up with a rolling elbow to the side of the head/neck). As the fans were cheering I was overcome with throbbing pain in my right arm. I would need ice to reduce the swelling. I had hit Mikey with so many elbows, as hard as I could in such a short period of time. I won but I have a feeling this pain will stay with me for the rest of the tour.

The following day we pulled into Hakata Star Lane for the night's event. I remember this venue very vividly as the same one from our first show after Misawa-san passed in the summer of 2009. I was honored to wrestle in the first match that night & I was even able to pick up the victory with my Emerald Elbow. It wasn't much but I was happy for the opportunity to pay some kind of tribute to Misawa-san. After Hiroshima, we would hold a ceremony at the beginning of every event. Spartan X would play through the sound system, the fans would chant MI-SA-WA... MI-SA-WA and my eyes would soak with tears each and every time.

I spoke with our athletic trainer Asako-san. He prepared a bandage and wrap that would help insulate my elbow during my match that night with Takashi Sugiura. With the pressure applied, the pain actually wasn't terrible. The match with Sugiura started and almost immediately he started to attack me with strikes. I attempted a few elbows but I knew that I wasn't swinging full force. The wrapping & bandages on my arm were also making the hits softer to Sugiura. This really pissed me off. As the adrenaline rushed through my body I did something a bit dumb. I ripped off the wrapping and rattled Sugiuria with one of my straight elbows. He knew I was in pain so he took that opportunity to attack my weakened arm. I tried to fight back but it was difficult to gain any momentum due to my injury. I had become so focused on the damage done to my arm that I briefly forgot that my boots are also very dangerous. I was able to use my Cyclone Kill rolling boot to regain the advantage.

Suguira German Suplexed me onto the back of my head but my fighting spirit brought me back to my feet and I finally connected with a Rolling Elbow! IKUBAIIIII~! Deep down I felt that my arm injury wasn't truly serious & that the pain would only be temporary so I followed with a Shadow Rolling Elbow and a Death Blow. My hesitation, though, may have given Sugiura an extra second to kick out of my pin. He tried to slap my face off & tossed me backward with a Dragon Suplex. A thrusting elbow connected with my jaw and I was able to kick out at ONE~! Soon, though, a flurry of strikes softened me up for a perfectly executed Olympic Slam. Sugiura defeated me.

Asako-san dove into the ring immediately with packs of ice and re-wrapped my arm. Once I realized where I was and what had happened I was overcome with emotion. I was so close!! Tanaka beat Sugiura. I beat Tanaka. Shouldn't that mean that I should defeat Sugiura??! Tonight it was just not meant to be and Sugiura was the better wrestler. On my way back to the locker room the fans in Hakata all looked so concerned for me. Their appreciation overwhelmed me and I fought back tears once again in Hakata.

Tonight's match was an interesting one. I teamed up with Zack Sabre Jr. I have a great deal of respect for Zack. We first met in the ring in 2008 for 1PW. He was very young then but I knew he had a great deal of potential. He was also a part of the NOAH UK shows in 2011 & his matches with KENTA & Nakajima that weekend are what earned him a job with NOAH. We've had singles matches in the US, the UK and in Japan. On my NOAH entrance video there are clips of me knocking Zack out from May at Shinjuku-FACE. I had to laugh and give me a 'gomen nasai' as we made our entrance. Out opponents were the Lucha Libre team of Super Crazy & Pesadilla. Super Crazy is another wrestler I have great respect for. When I was a rookie I used to watch his matches in ECW, sometimes live. I was always in awe of his exceptional athleticism. That man can moonsault from anywhere! Pesadilla nearly caught me with a few surprise pinning combinations but I was able to connect with a Cyclone Kill which almost got the win. Rather than use my elbow and damage it further I chose to lock on the Stretch Plum for the win. It was nice to walk away with a victory and a pleasant surprise that I didn't injure my elbow any further. Lucky me!

Tomorrow is our fourth consecutive show in a row & I'm back in Global League action versus Maybach Taniguchi. I know some people don't take Taniguchi very seriously because of his affiliation with Choukibou-gun and all of the cheating & dirty tactics. However, I won't let my guard down because I KNOW how strong he is and how much he has improved since my first NOAH tour back in 2007. I will keep an eye out for Ohara & Ken-Oh as well!

The reaction I've been receiving from you fans on the live shows has been amazing. The messages left on my blog and sent to my Twitter inspire and remind me that deep down I am a wrestling fan just like every one of you. It's very special for me to be able to make you feel the way about MY wrestling the way *I* feel about wrestling. It's a reminder that we are all connected by this awesome thing. I'm very thankful to be able to travel the world doing what I love. As always, if you make it to a show in person, please come say hello. I love hearing from and meeting each and every one of you.






大阪での試合は短くも熱い戦いでした。シェーンが回転ダイブで相手を攻撃したので、僕も続いてリスクの高い必殺技を出しました。ハイジャンプでトップロープを超えて、場外にムーンサルトを放ったのです。この攻撃はかつて武道館でKing of WrestlingのタッグとしてGHCヘビー級タッグに挑戦した時に、高山選手に放ったものです。すごく難易度の高い技で難しいけれど、機会があれば使うようにしています。観客は喜んでくれました。試合の後半では2007年に武道館で対戦したこともある斎藤選手と闘いました。僕のローリングエルボーは当たりが悪く、斎藤選手をノックアウトすることはできませんでした。デスブローにつなげていこうとすると、斎藤選手の延髄切りが僕の脳天を掻っ切りました。この攻撃のダメージで、タッグパートナーにタッチするのがせいいっぱいでした。結局ザックが原田選手に寝技を決めて、僕たちのチームに勝利をもたらしました。1/4の貢献とはいえ、勝利できてうれしかったです。




We've had a fun couple of days here as the Global League continues. We were back in Osaka which is one of my absolute favorite cities to visit,  I love the food and the sights are lovely. We had an event at the Bodymaker Coliseum & I was scheduled in an 8-man tag team match.  My partners were Shane Haste, Zack Sabre Jr. & Yoshinari Ogawa & our opponents for the evening were Sugiura, Saito, Genba & Harada.  I've known Sugiura for many years.  We met in the UK in 2006 and wrestled in a 6-way for a company called 1PW.  We also wrestled in Germany for wXw & in 2011 after I wrestled KENTA, I watched Sugiura defend the GHC Championship in an incredible match versus Claudio Castagnoli.

This match in Osaka was rapid fire.  Shane connected with a tumbleweed dive onto our opponents so I took that opportunity to launch a high-risk maneuver of my own.  I dove over the top rope and out of the ring with the High Jump Moonsault.  I used this maneuver versus Takayama in the Kings of Wrestling's GHC Tag Team Title shot at Budokan Hall.  This maneuver is very difficult and dangerous but I like to pull it out every once in awhile. It seems to be a crowd favorite.  Later in the match I battled with Akitoshi Saito (who I met in the ring in my first Budokan show in 2007). My Rolling Elbow was not enough to knock him unconscious. As I prepared to connect with the Death Blow, Saito's boot ripped through the back of my skull with a deadly enzuigiru.  It took all of my power to tag out of the match.  Zack brought our team to victory with an arm submission on Harada.  I was happy to take a win even if I was only 1/4 responsible.

After the match I watched Nagata v. Mikey Nicholls & Nakajima v. Kojima.  Both very impressive matches.  I also enjoyed the encounter between Cabana & Marufuji.  I think that Maru is one of the most intelligent wrestlers in the world. He has innovated so many counters and techniques.  He is rightfully the GHC Heavyweight Champion & I hope to meet him in the Finals of the Global League.

In Kumamoto I would square off with a newer nemesis: Masato Tanaka.  As a rookie I watched a match between he and Mike Awesome live in Dayton, Ohio at ECW's Heatwave '98.  He was a huge inspiration & I would even go on to use his 'Diamond Dust' as my first finishing move.  I always thought his Rolling Elbow was a thing of beauty- a perfect combination of power & agility.  I use the Elbow because of Misawa-san but I wouldn't be truthful if I said I hadn't also studied Masato's technique over the years.  The two of us squared off earlier this year in New Orleans for Dragon Gate USA.  I feel that I held my own and earned his respect but the Sliding D put me & Masato Tanaka was victorious.  After having lost my first Global League match against Yuji Nagata I was desperate to pick up a victory. Losing Tanaka earlier in the year only made me more determined.  The fans in Kumamoto were very respectful to me but were clearly behind Tanaka-san 100%.  I knew that he had scouted my style so I had to use some newer maneuvers.  Just like in New Orleans it was Rolling Elbow versus Rolling Elbow. At one point we even connected with simultaneous elbows which sent us both crashing to the mat, nearly resulting in a double knockout.  Shortly thereafter I caught a kick from Tanaka and threw his leg down & came up with a knee strike. This stunned him & allowed me to hit a pair of Rolling Elbows.  With Tanaka-san crumpled to his knees, I spun in a circle and delivered my 'Diving D' to the back of his head.  The referee counted 1, 2, 3.

After the match I wanted to show my respect so I told everyone in Kumamoto that I wanted another match with Masato Tanaka.  It will not be an easy challenge but I know that if I want to become the best that I can be I need to face the toughest and the strongest.  He is definitely one of the toughest wrestlers I have ever been in the ring with.
Next up we have 4 consecutive shows in Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Oita & Yamaguchi. Staying healthy & in good physical condition will be a challenge but that is the type of risk you take when you enter a tournament like this.  I look forward to seeing you all at the shows. Please come and say hello.  I will continue to fight my hardest and do my best for all of you.  My fighting spirit continues to burn!  Domo arigatou gozaimasu!





まずはじめに、このブログに書くのはものすごく久しぶりです。何年も僕を忘れずに応援してくれている日本のファンみんなに感謝いたします。2012年にWWEと契約をしましたが、21ヶ月後にリリースされました。WWEの本体に行けなくてがっかりしたファンもいたと思います。RAWやスマックダウンでアントニオ・セザロことクラウディオ・カスタニョーリと合流してKings of Wrestlingの復活を願った人もたくさんいました。僕も、ダニエル・ブライアンやセス・ローリンズと並んで、WWEのトップになることを望んでいましたが、人生はなかなか思うようにはいかないものです。僕は楽天家なので、また世界中を回れるのだと考え、すごく喜んでいます。実際、WWEを離れてから7ヶ月間、毎週2,3試合こなし、ヨーロッパ、カナダで試合をし、そして、ノアのグローバルタッグリーグ2014にやってきました。自分の愛するプロレスを世界中でできて、ものすごく幸運に思います。

僕にとってのグローバルリーグ初戦はきつかった!2009年に潮崎豪と後楽園でシングルで対戦しましたが、それ以来のタフな相手、永田裕志選手が相手でした。永田さんは、ヘビー級の強豪でありながら、KENTA選手や中嶋選手のようにすばやいキックもできる非常に特殊な選手です。今回のツアーでは、入場曲をボニー・テイラーの「Holding out for a Hero」に変えました。曲のリズムがファンを盛り上げて、エネルギーのある入場になると思ったからです。ファンの手拍子が力を生み出して、試合が始まると最高潮になると思ったのです。













NOAH Wow... This tour has already started off with quite a bang.

First, it's been a long while since I've written one of these blogs. I want to thanks all of my Japanese fans who have continued to support me over the years. I signed a contract with WWE in 2012 & was released after 21 months. I know that some are disappointed that I was unable to make my way to the main roster. Many hoped that I would join Antonio Cesaro/Claudio Castagnoli on Raw & Smackdown one day to reform the Kings of Wrestling. I had hoped to work my way to the top of the company alongside talented wrestlers like Daniel Bryan & Seth Rollins but unfortunately, in life, things don't always work out exactly the way we envision them. Optimistically, I was incredibly pleased to resume traveling the world. In fact, in my first 7 months back on the Independent wrestling scene, I wrestled 2-3 times a week, every week including various tours of Europe, Canada & the 2014 NOAH Global Tag League. I consider myself extremely to be able to continue to do what I love, at a high level, all over the world.

This is my first ever singles League & my competition is TOUGH! My first opponent, Yuji Nagata, may have been the toughest opponent I've had in Japan since my 2009 singles match at Korakuen versus Go Shiozaki. Nagata-san is a very unique wrestler because he is a strong heavyweight but he utilizes quick and effective kicks much like KENTA or Nakajima. I decided to change my music, this tour, to "Holding out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler. I think the beat of the song excites the fans & helps me create an energetic entrance. The clapping from the fans helps me build momentum that I hope to capitalize on when the match starts.

I was nearly overwhelmed by the HERO chants, the clapping and the support in general by the Korakuen crowd. You fans saw me 10 years ago when I made my Korakuen debut for BJW teaming with Delirious & Masada to take on Onryo, MEN'S Teioh & Ricky Fuji. I've grown up a lot since then but I can assure you that I love professional wrestling even more than I did when I broke into this sport as an 18-year-old boy in the fall of 1998.

After getting a feel for my opponent, Nagata kicked toward me at about 50%. I believe he was also trying to see what my strategy was. I took this moment to come at him full force. You can imagine my surprise when I knocked the former GHC champion down with a single elbow! I continued my assault with elbows and boots. Nagata used his experience to take over on me. This is a man who I had watched in WCW.. a former IWGP champion & last year's Global League winner.. As I fought back, I was no longer nervous. This is a man I could beat.

I nearly got the win with a Rolling Elbow. I noticed by his body language that he had momentarily lost consciousness. Perhaps if I would have connected with a second consecutive elbow I could have gotten the victory. Nagata-san connected with a spin kick that nearly put me out of commission. Before I knew it, a German Suplex sent me onto the back of my neck and for a second I just wanted to end the match.
I couldn't do that! I used every bit of energy I had to kick out of that pin. I stood straight up and screamed into Nagata's face. I wanted to send him a message that if he wanted to beat me he would need to knock me out completely..

And that's what he did. Back drop hold. 1, 2, 3...
On my way back to the locker room I was very disappointed. I knew I could have won the match. The fans cheered in support of me and it reminded me that this is a long tournament. It won't help me to be disappointed right now. I have to focus on my next matches. Masato Tanaka. Mikey Nicholls. Takeshi Sugiura. Maybach Taniguchi. Mohammed Yone. Quiet Storm. This won't be easy but I will prove that I am one of the toughest wrestlers.

An American has never won the Global League.

An American has never won the GHC Heavyweight Championship.

I will use this to motivate me as the tour continues.

My Rolling Elbow is the strongest.

My Fighting Spirit burns the brightest.

Thank you all for your support! I will see you at the shows.