Nagoya --> Kyoto
I'm sitting on the Red bus right now & we're on our way from Nagoya to Kyoto. Last night's show was wonderful! Claudio started off the night right with a strong victory over Kensuke Office wrestler Takashi Okita. I had a singles with Okita last year at Differ. He's very strong. He has the build of a Football player so it's logical that he used to play American football. I used to play Football when I was young. I started in 4th grade (age 10) and I played all the way through my Senior year (age 18). I was mostly on the offensive & defensive line. My senior year I moved to Tight End & that was the most fun I had in the sport. I was an underachiever when it came to football. I guess it was because I didn't really have the passion for it. I had the potential to be exceptional but I never realized that potential. It's a frustrating thought but I am very fortunate to have discovered my passion for wrestling. This is a passion that has only gotten stronger over the years. It's not that I don't have a life outside of wrestling, I just enjoy every aspect of wrestling. Even the difficulties seem irrelevent when I weigh it against the positives. I encourage all of you to discover what your passion & find your own way to follow that passion. I would be lost without mine.
I digress!
As I was saying, Claudio defeated Okita. He used a wide variety of power moves (as always): Military Press Slam, Fall Away Slam, Alpamare Waterslide, Choke Slam & the Ricola Bomb to get the victory. His Lariat has also gotten incredibly strong over this year. I look forward to seeing how he handles our opponents at Budokan. I predict a Ricola Bomb on Takayama. I was very excited for my match with Kensuke Sasaki. I remember watching Kensuke in WCW as a child. I always thought Power Warrior was cool. I also remember watching his series of matches with Toshiaki Kawada. Kensuke is also an admirable mentor, which is obvious by his relationships with Nakajima, Okita & Miyahara. Speaking of, I believe Miyahara will be a big star someday.
I stepped into the ring with Sasaki feeling very confident. If I started to think about his accomplishments, I might have become nervous, so I focused on my gameplan instead. I also remembered how close Claudio & I came to defeating the team of Kensuke & Morishima earlier this year in Yokohama for the Global Tag League. It just goes to show that no matter how much experience your opponents have, if you train hard & give your all, you can stand toe to toe with the best. I
am proud to say that last night in Nagoya I gave everything I had. Kensuke must have chopped me 30 times, but I kept coming back for him. I won the crowd over with some impressive agility and my vicious boots & elbow strikes. I could feel that the fans were sensing an upset. Sasaki nearly knocked me out of my boots with a tremendous Lariat. This was perhaps the hardest I've been hit since my match last summer at Korakuen versus Go Shiozaki. I flipped to the mat, landing on my face. All I heard was the referee yell TWO so my instincts helped me kick out before the count of three. One Northern Lights Bomb later, Kensuke secured the victory. As disappointing as the loss was, I know that I gave my all & once again, I was very close to defeating Kensuke Sasaki, former GHC champion, former IWGP champion, one of the best in the world. Kensuke helped lift me up after the match & shook my hand. What an honor.
Claudio continues to be undefeated this tour. Tonight we wrestle the team of Takashi Sugiura & Akitoshi Saito. This is a true test. Sugiura is the current GHC champion & Saito is a multiple time GHC Tag Team champion. I am optimistic for the challenge. Wish us luck! Thank you for reading friends! See you at the shows.
今日はまずGHCタッグタイトル戦の調印式がリング上でありました。高山はクラウディオと僕をGHCタイトルの強力な挑戦者だと思っていないようです。高山・佐野組が自信に満たされているのは分かります。彼らはものすごい経験と実績があるからです。でも、もしクラウディオと僕が世界最高峰のタッグチームでなかったら、そもそもこうして日本にいるわけがありません。もし高山・佐野組が自信過剰となったら、僕たちKings of Wrestlingにとっていいチャンスです。
The singles match with Ishimori was another good test. Although I am a heavyweight, I enjoy the junior heavyweight style so in the beginning of the match I was able to display my speed and agility. I think I am quick, but Ishimori is much quicker. Soon I found myself on the arena floor ducking away from a suicide dive. I started to dominate with strikes & power moves but Ishimori defended with a Springboard Dropkick. A Swanton Bmb & a Superstar Senton really knocked the wind out of me. I was able to stop Taiji with a Lyger Bomb and I pinned him after the KTFO/Panic Button Elbow. Earlier on the show, Claudio defeated Ricky Marvin with a Ricola Bomb. Great match!
Last night we were able to eat dinner at the Great Kabuki's restaurant. The food is good and Kabuki is a legend. He does not mind telling stories to us and it is an honor to share a table with him for dinner. If you have an opportunity, you should visit his restaurant for a bite to eat.
Today was very important. We entered Korakuen full of excitement. The crowd there is always electric. When a hard match is going on, the energy from the crowd pushes you further. I remember my match versus Shiozaki from last summer and an 8-man tag from this past January. I love performing for the fans at Korakuen.
We entered the ring to sign the contract for the GHC Title match. It seems to me that Takayama do not take Claudio & I serious as challengers for their titles. I can understand why they would be confident... They are very accomplished wrestlers and are incredibly experienced. However, Claudio & myself would not be in Japan right now if we were not one of the best tag teams in the world. Their confidence is turning to arrogance and I think that will be a good advantage for the Kings of Wrestling.
In the 6man tag team match, we demonstrated a spectacular tag team maneuver on Taiji Ishimori then threw him into the red corner to tag in the champions. This is serious. We attacked Takayama & Sano with all of our strength. It is important that they know that Claudio and I have the power and determination to take their titles. As the match continued, Delirious outwrestled Taiji Ishimori and as the Champions watched, Claudio got the pin with a Ricola Bomb. It is only a matter of time until Budokan. We are ready to become the GHC tag champions.
Tonight, Claudio, Delirious & myself had dinner with friends. It was nice and relaxing. We look forward to the next days off and then prepare for 5 straight shows. Nagoya and Kyoto will be on the schedule. Both wonderful cities.
If you can come to a NOAH show, please do. When you come, please look for us at the merchandise area. It is so nice to hear everyone say "Gambatte" for our match at Budokan. We are very excited!
Thank you for your support. See you soon.
今日はまずGHCタッグタイトル戦の調印式がリング上でありました。高山はクラウディオと僕をGHCタイトルの強力な挑戦者だと思っていないようです。高山・佐野組が自信に満たされているのは分かります。彼らはものすごい経験と実績があるからです。でも、もしクラウディオと僕が世界最高峰のタッグチームでなかったら、そもそもこうして日本にいるわけがありません。もし高山・佐野組が自信過剰となったら、僕たちKings of Wrestlingにとっていいチャンスです。
The singles match with Ishimori was another good test. Although I am a heavyweight, I enjoy the junior heavyweight style so in the beginning of the match I was able to display my speed and agility. I think I am quick, but Ishimori is much quicker. Soon I found myself on the arena floor ducking away from a suicide dive. I started to dominate with strikes & power moves but Ishimori defended with a Springboard Dropkick. A Swanton Bmb & a Superstar Senton really knocked the wind out of me. I was able to stop Taiji with a Lyger Bomb and I pinned him after the KTFO/Panic Button Elbow. Earlier on the show, Claudio defeated Ricky Marvin with a Ricola Bomb. Great match!
Last night we were able to eat dinner at the Great Kabuki's restaurant. The food is good and Kabuki is a legend. He does not mind telling stories to us and it is an honor to share a table with him for dinner. If you have an opportunity, you should visit his restaurant for a bite to eat.
Today was very important. We entered Korakuen full of excitement. The crowd there is always electric. When a hard match is going on, the energy from the crowd pushes you further. I remember my match versus Shiozaki from last summer and an 8-man tag from this past January. I love performing for the fans at Korakuen.
We entered the ring to sign the contract for the GHC Title match. It seems to me that Takayama do not take Claudio & I serious as challengers for their titles. I can understand why they would be confident... They are very accomplished wrestlers and are incredibly experienced. However, Claudio & myself would not be in Japan right now if we were not one of the best tag teams in the world. Their confidence is turning to arrogance and I think that will be a good advantage for the Kings of Wrestling.
In the 6man tag team match, we demonstrated a spectacular tag team maneuver on Taiji Ishimori then threw him into the red corner to tag in the champions. This is serious. We attacked Takayama & Sano with all of our strength. It is important that they know that Claudio and I have the power and determination to take their titles. As the match continued, Delirious outwrestled Taiji Ishimori and as the Champions watched, Claudio got the pin with a Ricola Bomb. It is only a matter of time until Budokan. We are ready to become the GHC tag champions.
Tonight, Claudio, Delirious & myself had dinner with friends. It was nice and relaxing. We look forward to the next days off and then prepare for 5 straight shows. Nagoya and Kyoto will be on the schedule. Both wonderful cities.
If you can come to a NOAH show, please do. When you come, please look for us at the merchandise area. It is so nice to hear everyone say "Gambatte" for our match at Budokan. We are very excited!
Thank you for your support. See you soon.
今回のツアーではシングルマッチが4試合ありますが、今日は仙台でその1試合目がありました。対戦相手はメキシコのハイフライヤー、リッキー・マルビンでした。日本のプロレスを見始めたころに買ったのが、リッキーの出場した2000年のスーパーJカップ(*1 脚注、以下参照)のビデオでした。これがリッキーとの出会いでした。彼は若く、エネルギーにあふれていて、当時は髪も長かったのです。彼はトルニーロを得意とし、最初の対戦相手であるCIMAになんどもこの技をかけました。リッキーの空中殺法に僕は魅了されました。彼は元々、軽快なルチャドーラでした。以降、ヨーロッパ中で活躍し、今は日本が自分のホームだといっています。NOAHでの活躍は、彼のためになりました。僕は本音で、彼が現在のオールラウンドの最高レベルのレスラーだと思っています。リッキーとは2007年の武道館での6人タッグをはじめとして、なんどもタッグを組みました。ですので、今日は自分の実力を試すいい機会だと思い、彼との対戦を楽しみにしていました。僕は最近シングルよりタッグの試合のほうが多いですけれど、自分は今でも優れたシングルプレイヤーでもあると思っています。(もちろん、クラウディオもそうです。だからこそ、僕たちはすばらしいタッグチームなのです。)
試合はグラウンドの攻防から始まり、リッキーはヘッドシザースとトペで主導権を握りました。しかし、僕は体の大きさとひざ蹴り(高山よ見てるか!)で主導権を握り返しました。リッキーは更なるヘッドシザースとハリケーンラナで勝利に近づきました。しかし、僕はパニックボタン・KTFO(*2 脚注、以下参照)でカウント3に近づきました。リッキーのスーパーキックは僕の動きを止めたけど、リッキーがふらふらしてきたのを狙って、投げ飛ばしてローリングエルボー2連発(*3 脚注、以下参照)でぶちのめしました。試合は想像以上に長引いたけど、勝利を誇りに思います。
その次の試合はクラウディオvs谷口でした。僕たちはときどき谷口を「谷グッチ(Gucci)」と呼びます。彼がグッチの高級な服とサングラスで入場したら笑えるかも?谷口は表参道ヒルズにでも行って、グッチにスポンサーになってもらったらどうでしょう?(笑)さてさて、クラウディオは谷口相手に奮闘しました。強烈な音のするヨーロッピアンアッパーカットを何度かヒットさせました。谷口はなんども反撃しましたが、グッドラック・ラリアットのあとUFO(未確認対戦相手式ショルダースピン)とリコラボム(ピラミッド式クロスアーム・パワーボム)で勝利をもぎ取りました。というわけで、今回のツアーでは我がKing of Wrestlingは今のところ無敗です。
*1 2000年のJ-Cupの出場者のうち、これまで僕は6人と対戦してきました。マルビン、リッキーフジ、怨霊、MEN'Sテイオー、カレーマン、そして、佐野直喜(巧真)です。
*2 相手が頭を下げたところで後頭部を押し付けます。遠心力で相手の頭が持ち上がってくるところを僕がローリングして、エルボーをします。頭が持ち上がってきたところに強烈なエルボーが来るので、その前の後頭部を押し付ける動きが、パニックボタンを押す動きに似ているというわけです。タイミングが難しいですが、僕はこの動きを何度も何度も練習してきました。
*3 これをローリングエルボーX2と呼んでいます。一発目のエルボーを打ったら、動きを止めずにすぐに二発目を与えます。相手がなかなか倒れないときにこの技を使います。
Singles Competition
Tonight, in Sendai, I had the first of my four singles matches this tour. I wrestled Mexican high flyer, Ricky Marvin.
When I first started watching Japanese wrestling videos, one of the tapes I purchased was Super J Cup 2000*. This is the first time I saw Ricky Marvin. He was young, full of energy & had long hair back then. His specialty was the Tornillo & he managed to pull off the maneuver many times against his first round opponent, CIMA. I was impressed by Ricky's high flying techniques.
Ricky was originally an aerial Luchador. He has since wrestled all over Europe and now calls Japan his home. Working for NOAH has helped him step his game up & I honestly feel he is one of the best overall wrestlers today. I've teamed with Ricky a number of times & even opposed him in a 6-man tag at Budokan Hall (2007). I was really looking forward to testing myself against him in a singles match. Nowadays I have more tag matches than singles, but I still consider myself an excellent singles performer (as does Claudio. That's what makes us such a formidable team).
The match started with some mat wrestling & Ricky was able to capitalize with a headscissors & a tope. Soon, I used my size & some knee attacks (Hello Takayama) to gain the advantage. Ricky found his way back to some headscissors & hurricanranas and nearly pinned me. I used my Panic Button/KTFO** to nearly get the 3. A Super Kick stopped me in my tracks but as Ricky staggered, I spun around & blasted him with 2 consecutive Rolling Elbows***. It took more than I expected to defeat him but that way I can be proud of the victory.
Next was Claudio v. Taniguchi. Sometimes we call him Tani-Gucci. Wouldn't it be funny to picture him coming to the ring in expensive clothes & sunglasses? Maybe he can go to Omote Sando Hills and request a Gucci sponsorship. =) Anyway... Claudio really took it to Taniguchi. There were several loud European Uppercuts. Taniguchi fought back many times, but after the "Good Luck" Lariat, a UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponent) & a Ricola Bomb (Pyramid/cross-armed Powerbomb), Claudio picked up the victory. So far, the Kings of Wrestling are undefeated this tour.
I have gotten some lovely presents this tour and I thank everyone. It's nice enough to be wrestling in Japan, the gifts are unexpected and very generous. I look forward to seeing more fans this tour! If you want to say hello, come to the merchandise stand & I will be selling Chris Hero t-shirts (Green, White & Black). The next show, Claudio will wrestle Ricky Marvin & I have a singles against Taiji Ishimori. This is a rematch from Osaka. Taiji & I have the same maestro (Jorge "Skayde" Rivera), so I am always excited to share the ring with him.
As always, I appreciate the support. Domo arigatou gozaimasu! See you at the shows!
* - I've now wrestled 6 of the competitors in JCup 2000 - Marvin, Ricky Fuji, Onryu,MENS Teioh, Curry Man & Naoki "Takuma" Sano
** - as my opponent is bent over, I stomp the back of his head. The momentum pushes him back up and as I roll around, I connect with an Elbow Strike. The stomp to the back of his head is like "pressing" a button because as soon as he straightens up, I elbow him. The timing is tricky but I have trained this maneuver very extensively.
*** - I call this Rolling Elbow X2. After I hit the first, I continue the motion without stopping and connect a second time. This is for when I'm having trouble knocking an opponent over.
試合はグラウンドの攻防から始まり、リッキーはヘッドシザースとトペで主導権を握りました。しかし、僕は体の大きさとひざ蹴り(高山よ見てるか!)で主導権を握り返しました。リッキーは更なるヘッドシザースとハリケーンラナで勝利に近づきました。しかし、僕はパニックボタン・KTFO(*2 脚注、以下参照)でカウント3に近づきました。リッキーのスーパーキックは僕の動きを止めたけど、リッキーがふらふらしてきたのを狙って、投げ飛ばしてローリングエルボー2連発(*3 脚注、以下参照)でぶちのめしました。試合は想像以上に長引いたけど、勝利を誇りに思います。
その次の試合はクラウディオvs谷口でした。僕たちはときどき谷口を「谷グッチ(Gucci)」と呼びます。彼がグッチの高級な服とサングラスで入場したら笑えるかも?谷口は表参道ヒルズにでも行って、グッチにスポンサーになってもらったらどうでしょう?(笑)さてさて、クラウディオは谷口相手に奮闘しました。強烈な音のするヨーロッピアンアッパーカットを何度かヒットさせました。谷口はなんども反撃しましたが、グッドラック・ラリアットのあとUFO(未確認対戦相手式ショルダースピン)とリコラボム(ピラミッド式クロスアーム・パワーボム)で勝利をもぎ取りました。というわけで、今回のツアーでは我がKing of Wrestlingは今のところ無敗です。
*1 2000年のJ-Cupの出場者のうち、これまで僕は6人と対戦してきました。マルビン、リッキーフジ、怨霊、MEN'Sテイオー、カレーマン、そして、佐野直喜(巧真)です。
*2 相手が頭を下げたところで後頭部を押し付けます。遠心力で相手の頭が持ち上がってくるところを僕がローリングして、エルボーをします。頭が持ち上がってきたところに強烈なエルボーが来るので、その前の後頭部を押し付ける動きが、パニックボタンを押す動きに似ているというわけです。タイミングが難しいですが、僕はこの動きを何度も何度も練習してきました。
*3 これをローリングエルボーX2と呼んでいます。一発目のエルボーを打ったら、動きを止めずにすぐに二発目を与えます。相手がなかなか倒れないときにこの技を使います。
Singles Competition
Tonight, in Sendai, I had the first of my four singles matches this tour. I wrestled Mexican high flyer, Ricky Marvin.
When I first started watching Japanese wrestling videos, one of the tapes I purchased was Super J Cup 2000*. This is the first time I saw Ricky Marvin. He was young, full of energy & had long hair back then. His specialty was the Tornillo & he managed to pull off the maneuver many times against his first round opponent, CIMA. I was impressed by Ricky's high flying techniques.
Ricky was originally an aerial Luchador. He has since wrestled all over Europe and now calls Japan his home. Working for NOAH has helped him step his game up & I honestly feel he is one of the best overall wrestlers today. I've teamed with Ricky a number of times & even opposed him in a 6-man tag at Budokan Hall (2007). I was really looking forward to testing myself against him in a singles match. Nowadays I have more tag matches than singles, but I still consider myself an excellent singles performer (as does Claudio. That's what makes us such a formidable team).
The match started with some mat wrestling & Ricky was able to capitalize with a headscissors & a tope. Soon, I used my size & some knee attacks (Hello Takayama) to gain the advantage. Ricky found his way back to some headscissors & hurricanranas and nearly pinned me. I used my Panic Button/KTFO** to nearly get the 3. A Super Kick stopped me in my tracks but as Ricky staggered, I spun around & blasted him with 2 consecutive Rolling Elbows***. It took more than I expected to defeat him but that way I can be proud of the victory.
Next was Claudio v. Taniguchi. Sometimes we call him Tani-Gucci. Wouldn't it be funny to picture him coming to the ring in expensive clothes & sunglasses? Maybe he can go to Omote Sando Hills and request a Gucci sponsorship. =) Anyway... Claudio really took it to Taniguchi. There were several loud European Uppercuts. Taniguchi fought back many times, but after the "Good Luck" Lariat, a UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponent) & a Ricola Bomb (Pyramid/cross-armed Powerbomb), Claudio picked up the victory. So far, the Kings of Wrestling are undefeated this tour.
I have gotten some lovely presents this tour and I thank everyone. It's nice enough to be wrestling in Japan, the gifts are unexpected and very generous. I look forward to seeing more fans this tour! If you want to say hello, come to the merchandise stand & I will be selling Chris Hero t-shirts (Green, White & Black). The next show, Claudio will wrestle Ricky Marvin & I have a singles against Taiji Ishimori. This is a rematch from Osaka. Taiji & I have the same maestro (Jorge "Skayde" Rivera), so I am always excited to share the ring with him.
As always, I appreciate the support. Domo arigatou gozaimasu! See you at the shows!
* - I've now wrestled 6 of the competitors in JCup 2000 - Marvin, Ricky Fuji, Onryu,MENS Teioh, Curry Man & Naoki "Takuma" Sano
** - as my opponent is bent over, I stomp the back of his head. The momentum pushes him back up and as I roll around, I connect with an Elbow Strike. The stomp to the back of his head is like "pressing" a button because as soon as he straightens up, I elbow him. The timing is tricky but I have trained this maneuver very extensively.
*** - I call this Rolling Elbow X2. After I hit the first, I continue the motion without stopping and connect a second time. This is for when I'm having trouble knocking an opponent over.
今夜の試合はすばらしく進みました。僕たちはユニークな合体技を見せつけることができました。高山、佐野のパワーと老獪さに負けず、谷口を投げつけて、必殺技KRS-1でマットにたたきつけました。レフリーがカウント3を数えたとき、王者組の驚いた表情が見えました。彼らは僕たちを見くびっていたんじゃないでしょうか。でも、この試合の後僕たちを見くびるようなことできないでしょう。王者組は僕たちがチームワークですばやく試合に勝てることがわかったはずです。谷口は持ち前のファイティングスピリットで僕のKTFOエルボーを跳ね返しましたが、我がThe King of Wrestlingは彼には強すぎる相手でした。
今夜の試合では僕たちの新しい入場曲を使いました。才能あふれる友人Cody Bの作った僕たちのオリジナルの曲です。曲名はKoW(Kings)といって、ここで聞くことができます。ファンのみんなにお願いがあります。僕たちの入場曲のコーラスの部分がはじまったら、僕たちと一緒に
みんなありがとう。応援を感謝いたします。そして、今のThe King of Wrestlingが現在のプロレス界で最も練習熱心で、最も優れたタッグチームであることを約束します。それでは次回まで。また!
First Encounter with the GHC Tag Team Champions
Tonight, Pro-Wrestling NOAH traveled to Saitama. Today was a tough challenge as myself, Claudio Castagnoli & Bison Smith faced Shuhei Taniguchi & the current GHC World Tag Team Champions Yoshihiro Takayama & Takuma Sano in the Main Event. This was a bit of a warm up for the Kings of Wrestling (Claudio & I) because at the end of this tour, we will challenge for those GHC titles at Budokan Hall. This is my 8th trip to Japan. I've had nearly 100 matches here and the fight at Budokan will be the biggest match that Claudio & I have had up until now. Tonight was a great return. We displayed some of our unique double team maneuvers. We did not let the strength & experience of Takayama & Sano defeat us. Instead, we were able to life Taniguchi into the air & drop him to the mat with the KRS-1. As the referee counted to 3, I could see the look in the Champions' eyes. Perhaps they underestimated us. They will not make that mistake again. Now they know how quickly & easily we can end a match with our teamwork. Taniguchi was about to use his fighting spirit to kick out of my KTFO Elbow, but the Kings of Wrestling were too strong for him this
evening. We are just getting started.
I have two singles matches in the next two days (Miyagi & Yamagata). I will face Ricky Marvin & Taiji Ishimori, respectively. They are Junior Heavyweights but they are dangerous. A match with them can end almost immediately due to their speed, high flying and pinning combinations. I also noticed tonight that Ricky utilized more kicks than usual against Nakajima. I will do my best to defend against those kicks & it will be an elbow strike that defeats Mr. Marvin. How will I hit it? You never know! That's why I have trained so extensively. I can literally connect with an elbow strike from any predicament. I feel powerful. With this title shot in the near future, we are more focused than ever and I don't think we can lose right now.
Tonight was also the first time we have used our new entrance theme in Japan. The song was custom made for us by a very talented friend of mine. His name is Cody B. Ware & the song is called KoW (Kings). I have a favor to ask of you, the fans. When you hear our music, wait for the chorus & chant along with us.
Hearing this from the fans fills us with adrenaline and forces us to work even harder. We are looking forward to hearing all of Korakuen Hall sing our entrance theme with us. By the end of this tour,when we make it to Budokan, as Claudio & I walk down the ramp to the ring for our title match, I want to hear everybody
Thank you friends. We appreciate the support & we promise that the Kings of Wrestling that you see now, are the best & hardest working tag team in all of professional wrestling.
Until next time. Mata!
今夜の試合はすばらしく進みました。僕たちはユニークな合体技を見せつけることができました。高山、佐野のパワーと老獪さに負けず、谷口を投げつけて、必殺技KRS-1でマットにたたきつけました。レフリーがカウント3を数えたとき、王者組の驚いた表情が見えました。彼らは僕たちを見くびっていたんじゃないでしょうか。でも、この試合の後僕たちを見くびるようなことできないでしょう。王者組は僕たちがチームワークですばやく試合に勝てることがわかったはずです。谷口は持ち前のファイティングスピリットで僕のKTFOエルボーを跳ね返しましたが、我がThe King of Wrestlingは彼には強すぎる相手でした。
今夜の試合では僕たちの新しい入場曲を使いました。才能あふれる友人Cody Bの作った僕たちのオリジナルの曲です。曲名はKoW(Kings)といって、ここで聞くことができます。ファンのみんなにお願いがあります。僕たちの入場曲のコーラスの部分がはじまったら、僕たちと一緒に
みんなありがとう。応援を感謝いたします。そして、今のThe King of Wrestlingが現在のプロレス界で最も練習熱心で、最も優れたタッグチームであることを約束します。それでは次回まで。また!
First Encounter with the GHC Tag Team Champions
Tonight, Pro-Wrestling NOAH traveled to Saitama. Today was a tough challenge as myself, Claudio Castagnoli & Bison Smith faced Shuhei Taniguchi & the current GHC World Tag Team Champions Yoshihiro Takayama & Takuma Sano in the Main Event. This was a bit of a warm up for the Kings of Wrestling (Claudio & I) because at the end of this tour, we will challenge for those GHC titles at Budokan Hall. This is my 8th trip to Japan. I've had nearly 100 matches here and the fight at Budokan will be the biggest match that Claudio & I have had up until now. Tonight was a great return. We displayed some of our unique double team maneuvers. We did not let the strength & experience of Takayama & Sano defeat us. Instead, we were able to life Taniguchi into the air & drop him to the mat with the KRS-1. As the referee counted to 3, I could see the look in the Champions' eyes. Perhaps they underestimated us. They will not make that mistake again. Now they know how quickly & easily we can end a match with our teamwork. Taniguchi was about to use his fighting spirit to kick out of my KTFO Elbow, but the Kings of Wrestling were too strong for him this
evening. We are just getting started.
I have two singles matches in the next two days (Miyagi & Yamagata). I will face Ricky Marvin & Taiji Ishimori, respectively. They are Junior Heavyweights but they are dangerous. A match with them can end almost immediately due to their speed, high flying and pinning combinations. I also noticed tonight that Ricky utilized more kicks than usual against Nakajima. I will do my best to defend against those kicks & it will be an elbow strike that defeats Mr. Marvin. How will I hit it? You never know! That's why I have trained so extensively. I can literally connect with an elbow strike from any predicament. I feel powerful. With this title shot in the near future, we are more focused than ever and I don't think we can lose right now.
Tonight was also the first time we have used our new entrance theme in Japan. The song was custom made for us by a very talented friend of mine. His name is Cody B. Ware & the song is called KoW (Kings). I have a favor to ask of you, the fans. When you hear our music, wait for the chorus & chant along with us.
Hearing this from the fans fills us with adrenaline and forces us to work even harder. We are looking forward to hearing all of Korakuen Hall sing our entrance theme with us. By the end of this tour,when we make it to Budokan, as Claudio & I walk down the ramp to the ring for our title match, I want to hear everybody
Thank you friends. We appreciate the support & we promise that the Kings of Wrestling that you see now, are the best & hardest working tag team in all of professional wrestling.
Until next time. Mata!

やあ、みんな!昨日記者会見で発表されたので知っていると思うけれど、クラウディオと僕(The Kings of Wrestling)が今月の終わりに日本に再来日することが決まりました。前回の来日は今年1月のグローバルタッグリーグのツアーでした。あの時はクラウディオと僕がタッグを再結成したばかりでした。トーナメントでは勝てなかったけど、技能賞を頂いたことを大変誇りに思っています。この賞を刺激に一生懸命特訓して、1ヵ月後にはROH世界タッグ王者となりました。それ以降、9回の防衛戦を全勝してきました。
もし1月のツアーで僕たちのタッグを気に入ってくれたのだったら、今月末の再来日を楽しみにしていてください!The Kings of Wrestlingは今まで以上のコンビネーション、より強力な攻撃、そしてこれまでで最高のモティベーションをもって日本にやってきます。僕たちをここまで応援し続けてくれてありがとう。ノアのツアーを通じてみんなが僕たちのファンでよかったと思えるような試合をします。
Hello everyone! I guess by now you know that Claudio & myself (the Kings of Wrestling) will be returning to Japan later this month. Our last tour was in January at the Global Tag League & at the time, Claudio & I had just started teaming again. We were unsuccessful in the tournament but we did acquire the Ginou Sho award, something we were incredibly proud to accomplish. This gave us the motivation to work harder and one month later we were able to capture the ROH World Tag Team Championship. Since then we have successfully defended those titles 9 times.
If you thought we were a good tag team in January, just wait until we return this month! We have more combinations, stronger attacks & greater motivation than ever. Thank you to everyone that has supported us along the way. Through this tour for Pro-Wrestling NOAH you will be proud to be fans of ours.
See you in a few weeks!
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