





11月1日には両国国技館でのWRESTLE-1の大会を観に行きました。友人が何人も参戦したので応援に行きたかったのです。KAZMA SAKAMOTOには何年も前にアメリカで会いましたが、フロリダでFCWとWWE NXTで一緒になってからはもっと親しくなりました。彼は才能とカリスマのあるレスラーだと思います。彼の試合でつまらなかったことは一度もありません。TNAから参戦していたDJ Zemaは彼が十代のころピッツバーグ近郊で試合をしていた時から知っています。その後何年かして、このように成熟した才能のある若きレスラーに成長する姿を見届けることができて誇りに思います。彼も日本のプロレスの大ファンで、メキシコでも活動しました(かつてかれはShiima XionとしてDDTで試合をしたこともあります)。プロレス外では彼はシカゴのナイトクラブで活躍する有名なDJであり、パフォーマーでもあります。アルベルト(ドス・カラスJr.)にも会ってから何年かになります。いつも僕に親切にしてくれます。彼はNXTで試合をしたことがあります。彼はルチャリブレ史上もっとも有名な家族の出身なので、彼とルチャについて語り合うのはいつも楽しみです。彼の弟もNXTに僕と同時期にいました。彼はいつか偉大なルチャドーラとなると思います。彼は現在、エル・ヒージョ・デ・ドス・カラスとして試合をしています。WRESTLE-1の大会は楽しかったです。僕のお気に入りの試合は田中将人対KAIでした。もっともエキサイトしたのはメインイベントでした。観客は叫ぶようにして武藤さんの応援をしていました。ファンがどれほど武藤さんを愛しているかを見て感銘を受けました。武藤さんがタイトルマッチで勝ってとてもうれしかったです。1989年、僕が9歳のころ、生まれて初めて観た日本人選手が、当時NWAとWCWで活躍していたグレート・ムタでした。彼のムーンサルトに圧倒されました。それから何度か生で試合を観れたのは僕の誇りとなっています。


その後は'Big in USA'のタッグチームパートナーである、コルト・カバナの試合を観ました。対戦相手は大日本プロレスの怪物、関本大介でした。ワオ!すごい試合でした。ファンは大興奮でした。コルトの今ツアーでの最高試合だと思いました。試合に勝てませんでした。関本選手は現在世界で一番タフなレスラーだと思います。試合後、コルトは僕が博多で杉浦選手に負けた時のような心境でした。負けとはいえ、素晴らしい試合をしたアメリカからの兄弟ともいえる、コルトを誇りに思いました。


Wow.. Something special happened in Yamaguchi. I was set to have my 5th Global League match, this time versus Maybach Taniguchi.  I've not wrestled in the Yamaguchi prefecture in a long time but the fans seemed excited to see me as they crowded the entrance way. There were a lot of claps from the rest of the crowd and occasional "HERO" chants.  As expected, Kenou & Ohara came out and begun to antagonize me.  Foolishly I turned my attention to them and Maybach attacked me from behind with his dreaded sasumata. I had the wind knocked out of me and it took a few moments to recover. I used a bit of my aerial techniques to evade Taniguchi and gain the advantage to the delight of the fans (I spent 3 years training lucha libre with maestro Jorge Rivera aka Skayde of Dragon Gate/Toryumon therefore I'm able to execute some unique high flying techniques).  I was then overcome by a 3-on-1 advantage. Ohara screamed to Taniguchi to remove my elbow pad and bandaging.  Fortunately my arm has been feeling better but the last thing I needed was for Maybach to cause me further injury. The tide was soon to turn as I dove to the floor and sent the 3 members of Choukibou-gun scurrying like little rats. I was back in the ring attempting my Death Blow when I lost focus for a moment. Ken Oh cracked me in the back of my head with his kendo stick behind the referee's back. Shortly thereafter, despite my attempts to keep him safe, the referee was knocked to the mat.  Once again the sasumata came into play and Taniguchi flipped me off of the top rope with the steel weapon.  Ouch.  He was overconfident though and I was able to capitalize with a Rolling Elbow.  I took out Kenou & Ohara with Elbows before completing the necklock, twist & elbow to the side of the head that I refer to as the 'Death Blow'.  The passion of the fans in attendance really helped me. Whenever they would start to get loud I would do my best to gain some momentum on Maybach. I won the match and gained 2 more points in the Global League but I couldn't have performed so well without of the support of the fans that night.  This is the best I felt all tour long.

October 30th I would step in the ring with Mohammed Yone in Numazu for another Global League challenge.  Yone is a very tough competitor as he is both strong and very skilled when it comes to kick combinations. With many wrestlers you usually only have to worry about power OR kicking ability but I would have my work cut out for me this night.  It seemed that Yone was more aggressive than I had ever seen him.  I guessed that he was disappointed in his performances thus far in the Global League and he stepped into the ring with me feeling that he had something to prove.  I've been utilizing a straight right-handed punch that I can connect with in an instant.  I call this punch 'Dick Murdoch'.  I blasted Yone with this punch and thought for a second that I rendered him temporarily unconscious.  If I could have wrapped him up in a pin a split second sooner I think I would have won. The interesting though, though, is that you can kick out of a pin even if you are unconscious.  I've been completely OUT and the sound of a referee slapping the mat and yelling ONE serves as a bit of an alarm and you're able to break the pin by instinct. This doesn't mean you're okay. In fact, it usually means that you're a little too stubborn and probably should have just accepted the loss without receiving more damage, haha.  Wrestling can be such a funny thing sometimes.

Anyway!  Yone blistered my legs, chest and head with a variety of kicks.  And the end of the match I was unable to successfully avoid the Muscle Buster and Yone ended his Global League losing streak.  I knew I fought hard but I couldn't help but be disappointed as I knew I was no longer in the running to win the Global League with a 3-3 record.

I attended the WRESTLE-1 show on November 1st at Ryogoku Kokugikan.  I had some friends on the show and I wanted to support them. I met Kazma Sakamoto in the US years ago but we became closer friends when both of us were in FCW & NXT in Florida.  I think he's a very talented and charismatic wrestler.  I've never seen him in a match when he wasn't entertaining.  I've known TNA's DJ Zema since he was a teenage Independent wrestler in the Pittsburgh area.  I'm proud to have seen him grow up over the years and mature into such a gofted young man.  He's also a huge fan of Japanese wrestling (wrestling previously as Shiima Xion for DDT) and has spent a lot of time in Mexico.  Outside of wrestling he's actually an accomplished DJ & performs at a lot of nightclubs in the Chicago area.  I've known Alberto Del Rio/Dos Caras Jr. for a few years now and he has always been kind to me.  We wrestled before in NXT & I always like to discuss Lucha Libre with him as he's from  probably the most famous wrestling family in Lucha Libre history.  His little brother was also in WWE Developmental with me and one day I think he will be a standout luchador.  He currently performs as El Hijo de Dos Caras.  I enjoyed the WRESTLE-1 show. My favorite match was Masato Tanaka vs KAI.  The most exciting match, to me, was the main event.  People were SCREAMING for Mutoh-san.  It really impressed me how much the fans genuinely love him and I was very happy that he won the championship.  I was 9 years old in 1989 & and while watching NWA/WCW, The Great Muta was the first Japanese wrestler I had to privilege to see perform.  I was completely in love with his Moonsault.  I've been able to see him wrestle a few times live and it will always been an honor.

November 2nd in Nagano I was set to face Shane Haste, Super Crazy & Pesadilla alongside the team of Zack Sabre Jr & Yoshinari Ogawa.  It was Ogawa-san's Birthday so the fans in Nagano showered him with streamers.  It was really nice to be a part of that.  The match was short but we were able to use a little teamwok- an Elbow, a jumping kick & a jacknife pin- to pick up the win.  Happy Birthday Ogawa-san!

After the match I watched my 'Big in USA' partner Colt Cabana face off with the Big Japan monster Daisuke Sekimoto.  Wow. What an incredible match.  The fans were so LOUD!  I really thought it was Colt's strongest performance in the tour.  He wasn't able to get the victory but I genuinely think that Sekimoto is the toughest wrestler in the world right now.  After this match, I think Cabana felt just as I'd felt following my match with Sugiura at Hakata. Regardless of the loss I was very proud of my American brother.

I want to thank the fans for continuing to follow my blog.  The tour is obviously finished but I will finish with my thoughts on the tour. I appreciate your support and patience!