今回の滞在でこれまでのところ、かなり小さな地震を二度経験したことから今日の話をはじめましょう。一回目は自分の部屋で何かを体の中に感じました。平衡感覚がおかしくなって、カタカタという音がしました。僕は15階にいるので、建物が揺れて、ギシギシという音が5分ほど続きました。これまで経験したことのない、とても現実とは思えない感じでした。それでも、これは本震と比べたら赤ん坊のように小さな余震でしょう!本震と比べたら無に等しいサイズなはず!みんなが経験した本震は想像を絶します。みんなの精神力と平常心をうらやましく思います。二回目はもっと小さかったけど、夜中に目が覚めました。でも、気にせずに眠りに戻りました。:-) 僕はオハイオ州出身で、今はペンシルバニア州に住んでいます。そこでの自然災害といえば、竜巻だけです。たまに水害や吹雪があるけれど、地震はありません。
今日はお台場のReal B Voiceで買い物ができました。Real B Voiceの服は大好き!デザインがすごくかっこいいです。シャツを何枚か買いました。ハワイのブランドだけど、アメリカでは見たことないです。不思議だなぁ。その後、クラウディオとバイソンと一緒にザ・グレート・カブキさんのお店へ晩御飯を食べに行きました。すごくおいしくて、クラウディオは今までの人生で一番おいしかったステーキだったといっていました。僕たちは「ガッデムポテト」も食べました。ザ・グレート・カブキさんはグレートなシェフでもあります。緑の毒霧は幸いなことにかかっていません。。。明日は名古屋です!僕らはヨネ、杉浦組と対戦します。すばらしい試合になるでしょう。僕のあばらの痛みはよくなってきているけど、気をつけなければなりません。パワーにあふれたクラウディオが助けてくれるでしょう。そして、必要なときには相手を抱えあげてくれます。それではまた、みんな!
Hey everyone!
I want to start this off by saying I've now experienced two very small earthquakes. The first, I was in my room and I felt something in my body. My equilibrium changed and then I heard a rumble. I'm on the 15th floor and the building swayed and squeaked for about 5 minutes. It was a very surreal feeling and something I had not experienced before. And it was just a baby earthquake/aftershock! It was literally nothing! I cannot imagine the experiences you all have had! I envy your strength and calm. The second was smaller but it woke me up in the middle of the night. I didn't worry and just went back to sleep :-) I am originally from Ohio, now I live in Pennsylvania. The only natural disasters we have to worry about are Tornadoes. Sometimes there are floods and blizzards too but never earthquakes.
The show in Tochigi was fun and successful for both Kings of Wrestling. Claudio and Kotaro Suzuki nearly battled to a time limit draw. Claudio hoisted him up for the Ricola Bomb and was able to win the match. I got to wrestle Taiji Ishimori in another singles match. I tried to get the advantage early but the plan backfired and his quickness took over. He smashed me with a Tope con Hilo. I was able to stop him and he was nearly counted out of the ring after a Rolling Elbow on the floor. I also used a Piledriver and my Cyclone Kill (rolling tornado kick) and was unable to win with those maneuvers. He rolled me up for a few quick pinfalls but I landed the KTFO (stomp to the back of the head immediately followed up by a rolling elbow) for the win. The main event was a very hard hitting match between Morishima/Yoshie and Shiozaki/Taniguchi. Taniguchi has improved tremendously and Shiozaki is as good as ever. Also, I don't want to underestimate Morishima or Yoshie. Claudio and I are quicker than them but their power is impressive. I am curious to see if Claudio can powerbomb Yoshie...
Today I was able to shop at the Real B Voice shop in Odaiba. I love their clothing! They have such cool designs. I bought a few shirts. The brand is Hawaiian but I have never seen a shop in the US. Strange. After, Claudio, Bison and I traveled to Kabuki-san's restaurant for an amazing dinner. Delicious food and I believe Claudio had what he called the best steak he has ever eaten in his life. We also enjoyed the "God Damn Potatoes." The Great Kabuki is also a great chef. Thankfully no green mist in the food... Tomorrow is Nagoya! We take on Yone and Sugiura. Should be an excellent match. My ribs are feeling better but I must be careful. Fortunately I have Powerhouse Castagnoli to back me up and carry the load when I need some help. See you next time friends!
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