前回の更新からあっという間に一週間経ちました!まず初めに、このブログでのみなさんのコメント、そして、大会でのみなさんの応援にお礼を申し上げます。すごくはげみになります。クラウディオも感謝しております。The Kings of Wrestlingから「ドウモアリガトウゴザイマス」とお礼を申し上げさせてください!
前回のブログで佐々木健介戦について話しました。試合を改めて振り返ってみると、自分の試合内容には満足しているけれど、もっとできたのではないかとも思います。いつか再戦したいです。シングルマッチが無理なら、健介、中嶋組 vs. The Kings of Wrestlingというのはどうでしょうか?
クリス・ヒーロー vs シュン・ザ・カブキキッド
その次の日は、兵庫(神戸)で青木篤志選手と対戦しました。青木選手はすばらしいハートを見せ、4年前に戦った時に比べて目覚しい成長を見せました。でも彼のスピードと技は僕のパワーと体格を超えることができませんでした。彼は押さえ込みやスモールパッケージホールドであやうく3カウントを取りそうになりました。しかしロープから跳ね返ってきた青木選手のボディにヘッドバットをして、KTFOを決めました。カウントツーで返されたので、ためらいなく僕はトップロープに上がり、ムーンサルトを決めて勝ちました。天井はかなり低かったのですが、高さを計算するために1秒でもムーンサルトが遅れていたら青木選手にかわされていたでしょう。プロレスでは、リスクを負って、自信をもって思い切った動きをすることが重要です。ほんの少しでもためらいがあると試合に負けてしまうこともあります。青木選手とはまた対戦してみたい。彼のタッグパートナーであるKENTAはかつてROHで僕に勝っています。The King of Wrestlingとしてタッグで青木、KENTA組と闘ってもいいかも。うーむ。
29日には大牟田に移動しました。スーパー外人チームとして、The Kings of Wrestlingはデリリアス、バイソン・スミスと組んで、高山、佐野、杉浦、相島勇人(地元のレスラー)組と対戦しました。この試合を通して僕たちはGHCチャンピオン組(高山、佐野)への敵対心を増しました。今回のツアーでは僕たちは高山、佐野、杉浦のチームにはすでに勝っているので、相手がデリリアスを狙っているのが分かりました。結局杉浦がものすごいオリンピック予選スラムでデリリアスを倒し、彼らの作戦は成功に終わりました。負けはよくないけれど、力を温存しておきました。
熊本ではクラウディオと僕は世界を代表するジュニアヘビーの選手二人、石森太二、リッキー・マルビン組と対戦しました。僕たちはすでに今回のツアーで二人とも倒しているので、向こうが勝ちを本気で狙ってくるのがわかりました。大牟田での敗戦がくやしかったので、力強さをみせつけることに集中しました。相手は序盤、僕たちを翻弄しましたが、僕たちのチームワークと技の正確さが彼らの動きを止めました。僕たちはマルビンをパチンコ玉のようにリング状で跳ね回し、石森の左肩と左腕を集中攻撃しました。リッキーは驚くべき回復力でクラウディオに何発ものトラースキックと延髄斬りを浴びせました。そして石森はジャンピングダブルニーパットと裏DDTで攻撃してきました。リッキーと石森は合体技をやってきました。僕はダブルのKTFOで両者を同時に倒しました。クラウディオはマルビンを脇に押しやり、すぐ後に僕は石森をサイクロンキック(ローリングハイキック)で倒しました。とてもエキサイティングな試合でした。観衆は、The King of Wrestlingがヘビー級であってもジュニアの選手のスピードに負けないということが分かったと思います。この試合がテレビで放送されることを願います!
今日は田上社長とタッグを組みます!社長のトランクスに合わせて、赤いKOWのトランクスを履きます。僕たちのタッグはザ・ダイナミック・ヒーローズとでも呼べましょうか?クラウディオはシングルマッチでモハメド・ヨネ選手と闘います。ヨネ選手の世間の評価は低すぎると思っています。彼はタッグで闘うことが多いですが、僕はシングルで闘ったことがあります。シングルマッチでは危険な相手です。クラウディオと僕が勝ちぐせをつけたまま武道館に向かうことが重要です。このブログをみんなが読む頃には試合が終わっているでしょう。そして、武道館への準備は万端となっているはずです。みんな僕たちの幸運を祈ってくれています。とてもありがたいことです。でも、今回は運は必要ないと思っています。集中力を高めて、ここまで到達するまでに費やしてきた努力を忘れなければ負けないはずです。10ヶ月前、僕たちThe Kings of Wrestlingはグローバルタッグリーグで全敗しました。しかし、今週の日曜日には現GHCタッグの王座戦に臨みます。1年の間にこれだけの変化が起こりうるわけです。応援ありがとう!僕たちのファンでよかったと思ってもらえるようにがんばります。
6 Matches, 7 Days
It's been a week since my last blog. Too long! First, I want to thank everyone for their comments, both on this page & at the shows. It's inspiring. Claudio also appreciates all the support so domo arigatou gozaimasu from both of the Kings of Wrestling!
So last time I spoke, I had just wrestled Kensuke. After looking back on it, I am still pleased with my performance but I know I can do better. I hope for another opportunity. If not a singles match, how about Kensuke & Nakajima v. the Kings of Wrestling?
Saturday in Kyoto, Claudio & I returned to Kyoto in tag team competition against Sugiura & Saito. KBS Hall is beautiful inside & it's always a pleasure to perform there. My friend Shun the Kabuki Kid was in attendance. I met him in the US & even wrestled him for CZW. It was an entertaining match. Funny, even. The youtube video can be found here:
The match was hard fought. Claudio & I managed our biggest tag win thus far in NOAH competition. A Nodowa Otoshi from Claudio to Saito couldn't put him away, so as Claudio begun to spin Saito around with the Giant Swing, I floored Sugiura with a Rolling Elbow on the floor, slid into the ring & assisted with a dropkick to Saito's head. This is a combination we call the Helicopter Crash & we got the victory with this maneuver. It was a good match to get us ready for Takayama & Sano.
The next day, I took on Atsushi Aoki in Hyogo (Kobe). Aoki has shown a great deal of heart & has improved greatly since I met him nearly 4 years ago. His speed & technique, however, was no match for my size & strength. He nearly snuck away with the win after a back slide & a small package. As he came off the ropes, I caught him with a headbutt to the midsection & a KTFO. He kicked out, & without hesitation, I climbed to the top rope, diving backwards with a Moonsault Press that would win the match for me. The ceiling was rather low, but if I would have taken a second to measure my jump, Aoki could have moved out of the way. In wrestling, it's important to have the confidence to take such risks. If you pause for even a slight moment, the match can be lost. I would like to wrestle Aoki again. His partner, KENTA, has a singles victory over me in Ring of Honor. Perhaps the Kings of Wrestling should do battle with Aoki & KENTA. Hm...
On the 29th, we traveled to Omuta. The super gaijin team of KoW, Delirious & Bison Smith teamed to wrestle Takayama, Sano, Sugiura & local wrestler Yuto Aijima. This served to heat up the rivalry that Claudio & I now have with the GHC Champions. We have victories over Takayama, Sano & Sugiura already this tour so I think they knew to win the match they would have to isolate Delirious. Their strategy was successful as Sugiura defeated Delirious with his impressive Olympic Slam. A loss is not acceptable but we persevere.
On the final day of our 5-day-run we arrived in Kumamoto. This is where I first wrestled Kobashi. He teamed with Sano last November against Bison & myself. Before this show, I was able to a bit of sparring (boxing) with some of the guys. Last summer I started to train for boxing. I got the hang of it pretty quicky & really started to enjoy it. After a few months, a shoulder injury prevented me from continuing & I haven't begun training again. I had forgotten a lot of technique, but some of it came back rather quickly. I sparred with Ricky Marvin, Taniguchi, Nakajima & Kenta. It wasn't 100% sparring but it was still fun. When I get back to the US I will resume my training.
This time in Kumamoto, Claudio & I faced two of the hottest junior heavyweights in the world, Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin. We had already defeated the two of them in singles competition this tour so we knew they would come into the match aggressively. Annoyed by our loss in Omuta, we vowed to leave a strong impression. They had us rocking & reeling in the opening minutes but our tag team precision & cooperation stopped them in their tracks. We bounced Marvin around the ring like a pinball & focused on the left arm & shoulder of Ishimori. Ricky mounted an exceptional comeback against Claudio with a series of thrust kicks & enzuigiris. Ishimori attacked me with a flying double knee attack & a quebrada inverted ddt. Ricky saved & the two of them atempted a double team maneuver. I managed a tandem KTFO on both men.
Claudio got rid of Marvin & shortly thereafter, Ishimori fell victim to my Cyclone Kick (rolling high kick). It was a very exciting match & proves to the fans that while the Kings of Wrestling may be heavyweights, we can keep up with smaller & faster opponents. I hope this match airs on television!
Once we arrived back in Hiroshima for a day off, Claudio & I walked to the Hiroshima Peace Park. The Museum was closed but we spent a good amount of time at the Atomic Bomb Dome. Very impressive & surreal. I don't have a great knowledge of World War II but I've done a bit of research since. It was a very sad time. My Grandfather served in the US Military during WWII. My Grandmother is German & they met in Germany during the war. It's very strange to think about that time in history. I am thankful that I've grown up & lived after those conflicts. Of course there are numerous tragedies that have occurred during my life but none have touched me as directly as the second World War would have. I am a peaceful person so the concept of war really baffles me. I find that most of my close friends are like-minded. I am optimistic for the future. I am also glad that Claudio & I get to travel so extensively. It helps up to be openminded & we appreciate our lives even more.
Today I will team with Taue! I will wear my red KoW trunks to match him. The Dynamic Heroes? Claudio has a singles match against Mohammed Yone. I think Yone is underrated. He is normally in tag teams, but I have faced him in singles competition. I know he is very dangerous one-on-one. It's important that Claudio & I head into Budokan with the momentum from victories. By the time you read this, the matches will have happened & we will be preparing for our GHC title match at Budokan. Many people keep wishing us luck. I appreciate it but I don't think luck is necessary in this case. We just need to stay focused & remember the hard work that brought us to this point. Ten months ago, the Kings of Wrestling ended the Global Tag League with zero points. Sunday we head to Tokyo to challenge for the GHC Tag Team Championship. A lot can happen over the course of a year. Thank you for the support! We will make you proud.
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