先週までのツアーを振り返ると、大成功だったと思います。プロレスでは、勝敗よりも重要なことが時としてあります。タッグリーグでは勝てませんでしたが、違った意味でのたくさんの勝利を得ました。一番の勝利は負けてもファンの心をつかんで、声援を得ることができたことです。Kings of Wrestlingを観た人たちは私たちがどれだけ一生懸命で、どれだけすごいことができるか分かったと思います。あとはここからより強くなるだけです。
今週末はアメリカのプロレス界と私自身にとってものすごく重要な時です。ロサンジェルスで大きなコンベンションがあって、私の所属する二つのプロモーション、Ring of Honor (ROH)とPro Wrestling Guerrilla(PWG)が大会を開くのです。一日目はROHの主催興行で8人タッグに出場します。私はクラウディオと、NOAHでもおなじみのデイヴィー・リチャーズ、エディー・エドワーズと組んで、これまたNOAHでおなじみのブリスコ兄弟、TNA・ドラゴンゲートで活躍のヤングバックス組の4人と対戦します。二日目はPWG主催の大会で、NOAHで知られるロデリック・ストロング、WWEのスーパースター、ロブ・ヴァン・ダムと3ウェイマッチで闘います!楽しみだなぁ。
Hello friends! Yes I am back in the US, but as I said, I will periodically update this blog, even from the US. You have all been so appreciative and supportive that it is the least I can do.
As I look back on the most recent tour, I feel that it was a great success. Sometimes, in wrestling, victories aren't the most important outcome. We lost the Tag League but we achieved many victories throughout the tour. We impressed, even in defeat and I think our biggest victory was winning the favor of the fans. Those that have seen the Kings of Wrestling perform now know how hard we work and what we are capable of. We can only get better from here.
My flight home was easy and now I am back on a good schedule and routine in the US. When you travel frequently it is very difficult to maintain a regular diet of healthy food and a balance of working out in the gym and staying active. Once I get home I have to work even harder! Fortunately, because I have been traveling the world for 10 years now, I no longer suffer from Jet Lag. Sure, I am exhausted when I return home, but all I need is one good night of rest to get back on track. I am very lucky!
This weekend is HUGE for me and American Wrestling. There is a large convention in Los Angeles and both of my home promotions, Ring of Honor (ROH) and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) will be holding events. The first night I am in an 8-man tag team match at the ROH event. I team with Claudio, Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards (NOAH) to face the team of the Briscoe Brothers (NOAH) and the Young Bucks (TNA & Dragon Gate). The next night I wrestle for PWG in a 3 way dance against Roderick Strong (NOAH) and former WWE Superstar, Rob Van Dam! How exciting.
What is really exciting about this event is that the Convention will feature many wrestling legends. Legends such as Jushin Liger, Super Crazy, the Great Muta, Bruno Sammartino, Nick Bockwinkel, Koko B. Ware, DDP, Road Warrior Animal, Demolition and the man that I am looking most to meeting, Stan "The Lariat" Hansen! This should be
The next two weeks I will be performing for ROH in Philadelphia and New York City. NYC is one of my favorite places to perform. The venue is the Manhattan Center and is less than a block from the world famous Madison Square Garden.
Thanks for reading friends. I will post some photos next week! Wish me luck!!
クラウディオと私は原宿に行き、ROHの仲間のレスラーであるケニーオメガと会いました。彼はDDTのツアーのために日本にいます。彼にはJersey All Proというアメリカの団体で初めて会い、その後ROHでもっと親しくなりました。彼は非常に機知に富んだ才能あるレスラーです。3人でぶらぶらお店を回りながら会話を楽しみました。こうして世界中のいろんな所で友人に会うのはとても不思議な感じがします。プロレスは自分にとって本当にすばらしいものです。こんなに愛するものを自分の職業にできるなんて信じられないくらいです。
メインイベントの後、優勝セレモニーのためにリングに向かいました。高山・佐野選手がトロフィーの横に並んでいるとき、クラウディオと私は自分たちの名前が呼ばれたのが聞こえました。これにはびっくりした。しかも「リングに上がってくれ」といっています。技能賞とその表彰盾を授与するためだったのでした。体が固まってしまった!盾を高く持ち上げたら、盾の上に王冠がついているのに気づきました。王冠と、Kings of Wrestling、私たちにぴったりだ!大変光栄に思います。タッグリーグでは点数を上げることができなかったけれど、努力が報われました。
このブログでの今回のツアーの報告はこれにて終了となりますが、アメリカに戻ってもこのブログの更新は続けます。頻度はもちろん減ると思いますが、何か書くことがあればいつでもユウジンさんが翻訳してくれます。みんなの応援を感謝いたします。今回ファンにもっと近づくことができたということを、観客の反応が証明してくれました。このブログがその手助けになったと思います。今後も日本語の勉強を続けて、また近々日本に戻って来たいです!クリス・ヒーローとクラウディオ・カスタニョーリ、The Kings of Wrestlingはいつも日本が故郷だと思っています。それでは。ドウモアリガトウゴザイマス。ジャアマタネ!
I'm sitting in the Narita Rest House right now using the free Wireless connection and reflecting on my tour. I have a bit to catch up with on my blog so I better get started!
We traveled to Mito to wrestle our final Tag League match against Takayama and Sano. Mito is a special city for me. It was there where
I teamed with Bison Smith versus Taue and Misawa-san. I was very
nervous and it was my first NOAH main event. In the end, Taue pinned me with a Dynamic Bomb but to be across the ring from Misawa, trading elbows was an honor. I will always remember Mito for this.
This time Claudio and I had a strategy. We kept Takayama out of the ring as much as possible and damaged Sano's leg in order to weaken his rolling kicks. It worked for a little while. Once Takayama was in, I was unable to take him down with chops and elbow, so I had to use my Spaceman Moonsault Press. I then almost knocked him out with a hard rolling elbow. Claudio used a one leg Giant Swing on Sano into a half Boston Crab. Sano got to the ropes, unfortunately. It was a series of kicks and a Northern Lights Bomb that got Sano the victory.
Afterwards, both Takayama and Sano helped us up and raised our hands as a show of respect. Claudio and I were frustrated and disappointed to not gain any points in the tag league but we understand how tough our competition was. Our saying goes, we never lose because to us, a loss is simply a learning experience.
The next day Claudio woke up very early to work out and I slept in until lunch. We enjoyed the Hotel Buffet along with Keith and Bison (TEAM GAIJIN). It was nice to chat, relax and reflect on the last two and a half weeks. NOAH has treated us very well and we are all hoping to come back soon!
Claudio and I went to Harajuku and met up with fellow Ring of Honor wrestler Kenny Omega. He is over on tour for DDT. I met him at Jersey All Pro and got to know him better once he started with ROH.
He is a very innovative and talented wrestler. The three of us wandered around the local shops and enjoyed conversation. It is very surreal to me when I meet friends all the way across the world.
Wrestling has been so good to me. It is hard to believe that I can do what I love as my career.
I was a bit restless the night before the Korakuen show. Maybe there was a lot on my mind. Once I got to the Hall, I was excited and ready for the match. I think the team of Keith, Bison, Claudio and myself is practically unbeatable. We have strength, speed, heard and size. Poor Hirayanagi! We destroyed him throughout the course of the match. There are some very impressive photos. Claudio and I picked up the win for our team with the KRS-1.
After the main event, we went to the ring for the final ceremony.
While Takayama and Sano were standing with the trophies, Claudio and I heard our names. This surprised us. Especially when they told us to enter the ring. It turns out that we were awarded a large plaque for the Ginou Sho or Best Technique. We were stunned! We held the plaques in the air and noticed that they have large crowns on them. How fitting! Crowns for the Kings of Wrestling. It was an honor.
Although we did not gain any points this Tag League, our efforts were rewarded.
We made our way to the NOAH shop to greet fans on their way our and we were overwhelmed with many, many purchases of our merchandise. We took pictures, signed autographs and received many compliments. In the Korakuen hallway, there is not much room and there were many people. The fans were patient and stayed to chat with Claudio and myself. All in all a great experience. What a fantastic way to end the tour!
This brings my tour blog to a close, however, I will continue to update this blog while I am in the US. Not as frequently, of course, but when there is something worth noting, Yujin-san will be more than happy to translate for me. I want to thank everyone for their support. The crowd reactions prove that I have been able to connect with my fans. I attribute this blog with helping me do this. In the future I will continue to study Japanese and I hope to come back soon!
I think Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli: The Kings of Wrestling will always have a home in Japan. Signing off for now friends. Domo arigatou gozaimasu. Ja matane!
クラウディオと私は原宿に行き、ROHの仲間のレスラーであるケニーオメガと会いました。彼はDDTのツアーのために日本にいます。彼にはJersey All Proというアメリカの団体で初めて会い、その後ROHでもっと親しくなりました。彼は非常に機知に富んだ才能あるレスラーです。3人でぶらぶらお店を回りながら会話を楽しみました。こうして世界中のいろんな所で友人に会うのはとても不思議な感じがします。プロレスは自分にとって本当にすばらしいものです。こんなに愛するものを自分の職業にできるなんて信じられないくらいです。
メインイベントの後、優勝セレモニーのためにリングに向かいました。高山・佐野選手がトロフィーの横に並んでいるとき、クラウディオと私は自分たちの名前が呼ばれたのが聞こえました。これにはびっくりした。しかも「リングに上がってくれ」といっています。技能賞とその表彰盾を授与するためだったのでした。体が固まってしまった!盾を高く持ち上げたら、盾の上に王冠がついているのに気づきました。王冠と、Kings of Wrestling、私たちにぴったりだ!大変光栄に思います。タッグリーグでは点数を上げることができなかったけれど、努力が報われました。
このブログでの今回のツアーの報告はこれにて終了となりますが、アメリカに戻ってもこのブログの更新は続けます。頻度はもちろん減ると思いますが、何か書くことがあればいつでもユウジンさんが翻訳してくれます。みんなの応援を感謝いたします。今回ファンにもっと近づくことができたということを、観客の反応が証明してくれました。このブログがその手助けになったと思います。今後も日本語の勉強を続けて、また近々日本に戻って来たいです!クリス・ヒーローとクラウディオ・カスタニョーリ、The Kings of Wrestlingはいつも日本が故郷だと思っています。それでは。ドウモアリガトウゴザイマス。ジャアマタネ!
I'm sitting in the Narita Rest House right now using the free Wireless connection and reflecting on my tour. I have a bit to catch up with on my blog so I better get started!
We traveled to Mito to wrestle our final Tag League match against Takayama and Sano. Mito is a special city for me. It was there where
I teamed with Bison Smith versus Taue and Misawa-san. I was very
nervous and it was my first NOAH main event. In the end, Taue pinned me with a Dynamic Bomb but to be across the ring from Misawa, trading elbows was an honor. I will always remember Mito for this.
This time Claudio and I had a strategy. We kept Takayama out of the ring as much as possible and damaged Sano's leg in order to weaken his rolling kicks. It worked for a little while. Once Takayama was in, I was unable to take him down with chops and elbow, so I had to use my Spaceman Moonsault Press. I then almost knocked him out with a hard rolling elbow. Claudio used a one leg Giant Swing on Sano into a half Boston Crab. Sano got to the ropes, unfortunately. It was a series of kicks and a Northern Lights Bomb that got Sano the victory.
Afterwards, both Takayama and Sano helped us up and raised our hands as a show of respect. Claudio and I were frustrated and disappointed to not gain any points in the tag league but we understand how tough our competition was. Our saying goes, we never lose because to us, a loss is simply a learning experience.
The next day Claudio woke up very early to work out and I slept in until lunch. We enjoyed the Hotel Buffet along with Keith and Bison (TEAM GAIJIN). It was nice to chat, relax and reflect on the last two and a half weeks. NOAH has treated us very well and we are all hoping to come back soon!
Claudio and I went to Harajuku and met up with fellow Ring of Honor wrestler Kenny Omega. He is over on tour for DDT. I met him at Jersey All Pro and got to know him better once he started with ROH.
He is a very innovative and talented wrestler. The three of us wandered around the local shops and enjoyed conversation. It is very surreal to me when I meet friends all the way across the world.
Wrestling has been so good to me. It is hard to believe that I can do what I love as my career.
I was a bit restless the night before the Korakuen show. Maybe there was a lot on my mind. Once I got to the Hall, I was excited and ready for the match. I think the team of Keith, Bison, Claudio and myself is practically unbeatable. We have strength, speed, heard and size. Poor Hirayanagi! We destroyed him throughout the course of the match. There are some very impressive photos. Claudio and I picked up the win for our team with the KRS-1.
After the main event, we went to the ring for the final ceremony.
While Takayama and Sano were standing with the trophies, Claudio and I heard our names. This surprised us. Especially when they told us to enter the ring. It turns out that we were awarded a large plaque for the Ginou Sho or Best Technique. We were stunned! We held the plaques in the air and noticed that they have large crowns on them. How fitting! Crowns for the Kings of Wrestling. It was an honor.
Although we did not gain any points this Tag League, our efforts were rewarded.
We made our way to the NOAH shop to greet fans on their way our and we were overwhelmed with many, many purchases of our merchandise. We took pictures, signed autographs and received many compliments. In the Korakuen hallway, there is not much room and there were many people. The fans were patient and stayed to chat with Claudio and myself. All in all a great experience. What a fantastic way to end the tour!
This brings my tour blog to a close, however, I will continue to update this blog while I am in the US. Not as frequently, of course, but when there is something worth noting, Yujin-san will be more than happy to translate for me. I want to thank everyone for their support. The crowd reactions prove that I have been able to connect with my fans. I attribute this blog with helping me do this. In the future I will continue to study Japanese and I hope to come back soon!
I think Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli: The Kings of Wrestling will always have a home in Japan. Signing off for now friends. Domo arigatou gozaimasu. Ja matane!
その後アメリカの友達におみやげを買ってホテルに戻りました。友人のストーン・コールドがノアの外人チーム(我々Kings of Wrestlingとバイソン、キース)をディナーに誘ってくれました。田上社長のファミリーのレストランで食べました。すばらしい料理だった!ちゃんこ鍋、お好み焼き、そして、鴨のスープ。すべてがおいしかった。ツアーを仲間の外人レスラーたちで振り返ることができてよかったです。日本での滞在をとても楽しんでいます。そして、自分の本当に好きなことができてとても幸運です。
The Pro Wrestling SEM show was very fun. Claudio and I had the privilege of teaming with Taue in the main event against Morishima, Sugiura and Hirayanagi. The biggest surprise, though, was that our referee was Takayama. Hirayanagi antagonized Takayama-san throughout the match. Bad for him. Good for us. During the match, Claudio debuted his new Vertical Superplex from the 2nd rope. Very impressive. I was able to hit Morishima with my Spaceman Moonsault Press. Takayama-san and Taue combined for a double boot on Hirayanagi and soon Claudio his Genba with the KRS-1 to win the match. After the match, Takayama suggested that he and I team because of our long hair and then I suggested that Taue should shave his head to team with Claudio. Imagine Hero & Takayama v. Taue and Claudio. It would be an awesome match!
After the match, Claudio and myself attended a bit of a fan fest for members of what I think is the NOAH fan club. We took turns sitting at different tables and chatted with the fans. It was nice to get different perspectives and I enjoy speaking in a mix of English and Japanese. All of the fans were very appreciative. Wrestling is very tough but it is refreshing to find that so many people support us and want us to succeed.
Yesterday, my friends Hidehiko & Erico took Claudio and myself Azabu Juban to eat at Mutoh's restaurant. We had sukiyaki. Delicious! After, we went to the Cacao lucha mask shop. We took many funny pictures. I will upload soon. They put a picture of us on their blog.
On the train ride home, we were actually recognized by two young female fans. We signed autographs and the young lady said she has seen my blog! How exciting. I would like to thank my friend Yujin for all of his hard work. I consider this blog a great success. I will do my best to continue to update with my Japanese travels.
Afterwards, I bought some gitfs for friends back in the US and we went back to the hotel. Our other friend Stone Cold took TEAM GAIJIN (Kings of Wrestling and Bison/Keith) out to dinner. We ate at Taue's family's restaurant. Wonderful food! Chankonabe, okonomiyaki, duck soup. Everything was great. It was nice to be able to reflect on the tour with my fellow gaijin. We enjoy spending time in Japan and are very fortunate to be able to do what we love.
Our next match is a tough challenge against Takayama and Sano.
Takayama's knee strike is deadly and Sano's rolling thrust kicks are deverstating. Claudio and I will have to do our best! I am excited for this match.
Thank you friends. See you at the matches!
その後アメリカの友達におみやげを買ってホテルに戻りました。友人のストーン・コールドがノアの外人チーム(我々Kings of Wrestlingとバイソン、キース)をディナーに誘ってくれました。田上社長のファミリーのレストランで食べました。すばらしい料理だった!ちゃんこ鍋、お好み焼き、そして、鴨のスープ。すべてがおいしかった。ツアーを仲間の外人レスラーたちで振り返ることができてよかったです。日本での滞在をとても楽しんでいます。そして、自分の本当に好きなことができてとても幸運です。
The Pro Wrestling SEM show was very fun. Claudio and I had the privilege of teaming with Taue in the main event against Morishima, Sugiura and Hirayanagi. The biggest surprise, though, was that our referee was Takayama. Hirayanagi antagonized Takayama-san throughout the match. Bad for him. Good for us. During the match, Claudio debuted his new Vertical Superplex from the 2nd rope. Very impressive. I was able to hit Morishima with my Spaceman Moonsault Press. Takayama-san and Taue combined for a double boot on Hirayanagi and soon Claudio his Genba with the KRS-1 to win the match. After the match, Takayama suggested that he and I team because of our long hair and then I suggested that Taue should shave his head to team with Claudio. Imagine Hero & Takayama v. Taue and Claudio. It would be an awesome match!
After the match, Claudio and myself attended a bit of a fan fest for members of what I think is the NOAH fan club. We took turns sitting at different tables and chatted with the fans. It was nice to get different perspectives and I enjoy speaking in a mix of English and Japanese. All of the fans were very appreciative. Wrestling is very tough but it is refreshing to find that so many people support us and want us to succeed.
Yesterday, my friends Hidehiko & Erico took Claudio and myself Azabu Juban to eat at Mutoh's restaurant. We had sukiyaki. Delicious! After, we went to the Cacao lucha mask shop. We took many funny pictures. I will upload soon. They put a picture of us on their blog.
On the train ride home, we were actually recognized by two young female fans. We signed autographs and the young lady said she has seen my blog! How exciting. I would like to thank my friend Yujin for all of his hard work. I consider this blog a great success. I will do my best to continue to update with my Japanese travels.
Afterwards, I bought some gitfs for friends back in the US and we went back to the hotel. Our other friend Stone Cold took TEAM GAIJIN (Kings of Wrestling and Bison/Keith) out to dinner. We ate at Taue's family's restaurant. Wonderful food! Chankonabe, okonomiyaki, duck soup. Everything was great. It was nice to be able to reflect on the tour with my fellow gaijin. We enjoy spending time in Japan and are very fortunate to be able to do what we love.
Our next match is a tough challenge against Takayama and Sano.
Takayama's knee strike is deadly and Sano's rolling thrust kicks are deverstating. Claudio and I will have to do our best! I am excited for this match.
Thank you friends. See you at the matches!
健介・森嶋組と闘ってから1日経ちました。昨日何も書かなかったのは、あの試合をどう言葉にしていいのか分からなかったからです。すごく激しい試合だった。何度か勝てそうな感じもした。健介をKOギリギリまで追いこんだ場面もあった。クラウディオも森嶋からピンを取りかけた。でも、試合が終わってみれば、健介がラリアットとノーザンライトボムでクラウディオを倒したのだった。 すごく感傷的になる試合だった。横浜のファンは僕たちの強力な味方になってくれて、みんな我がKOWが金星を奪取するのを期待しているのが分かりました。クラウディオと私はものすごい連携技を使いました。私は生涯初のひねり付きのムーンサルトプレスでリング下の森嶋に飛び込みました。クラウディオは必殺技UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponet 未確認飛行外敵)で、森嶋を空中で手ぶらで回転させることに成功しました。負けてしまったけど、全力を尽くしたから、自分の努力を誇りに思えます。この時点で、グローバルタッグの優勝は不可能になったけど、高山・佐野戦で自分たちのさらなる力を証明できます。高山選手とは去年広島でシングルで対戦しました。また対戦できて光栄です。(映像:クリス・ヒーロー vs. 高山善廣、2009年6月13日、広島グリーンアリーナ(Part I, Part II))佐野選手とは去年の11月に対戦しました。小橋・佐野組対バイソン・スミス・私組でした。小橋選手とは初対戦でした。
Wow. What can I say?
It's been over a day since our match with Kensuke and Morishima. I held off on writing because I wasn't sure what to say last night. It was a hard match. There were several moments when it felt like we would win. I came so close to knocking Kensuke out. Claudio came so close to pinning Morishima. When the match was finished, it was Kensuke who pinned Claudio after a Lariat and a Northern Lights Bomb.
A very emotional match for us. The crowd in Yokohama was strongly behind us and I could feel that they were sensing an upset victory by the Kings of Wrestling. Claudio and I used some spectacular tg team maneuvers. I dove out of the ring onto Morishima with a twisting Moonsault Press for the first time in my career. Claudio managed to spin Morishima in the air, hands-free, with his UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponent). We tried our best and even though we lost, I think we can be proud of our effort. Now we will not score enough points to win the Global Tag League but we can prove ourselves further against Takayama and Sano. I had a singles match with Takayama last year in Hiroshima (part 1, part 2) and it will be an honor to match up with him again. I wrestled Sano last November. It was Kobashi and Sano versus myself and Bison Smith, my first time wrestling Kobashi.
Tomorrow is Pro-Wrestling SEM. Myself and Claudio will team with Akira Taue versus Hirayanagi, Morishima and Sugiura. Should be an excellent match! We also have the luxury of riding the NOAH bus from our Hotel to Differ. It's a 3 minute drive I think!
Claudio and I have spent some time wandering around various shopping malls. First was in Yokohama across from the venue and today we went to Venus Fort near Ariake. It's great being able to walk around and see different things in different countries. I am fortunate for that opportunity.
I want to say that I am very sorry to hear about the retirement of Milano Collection AT. In 2005 and 2006, Milano and myself became friends outside of the ring and rivals inside the ring. He was spending time in the US to learn the American way of wrestling and he made quite a reputation for himself. He and I wrestled several times for CHIKARA and IWA Mid South. Both Milano and I have trained with legendary Lucha Libre Maestro Skayde (real name Jorge Rivera) so that helped outr in-ring styles produce entertaining matches. Milano-san was a nice guy with a big heart. I am incredibly sad that he can no longer wrestle. I wish him the best of luck. Thank you for all the good times, friend. Hope to see you soon.
That is all for now. Thank you and see you at the shows!
健介・森嶋組と闘ってから1日経ちました。昨日何も書かなかったのは、あの試合をどう言葉にしていいのか分からなかったからです。すごく激しい試合だった。何度か勝てそうな感じもした。健介をKOギリギリまで追いこんだ場面もあった。クラウディオも森嶋からピンを取りかけた。でも、試合が終わってみれば、健介がラリアットとノーザンライトボムでクラウディオを倒したのだった。 すごく感傷的になる試合だった。横浜のファンは僕たちの強力な味方になってくれて、みんな我がKOWが金星を奪取するのを期待しているのが分かりました。クラウディオと私はものすごい連携技を使いました。私は生涯初のひねり付きのムーンサルトプレスでリング下の森嶋に飛び込みました。クラウディオは必殺技UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponet 未確認飛行外敵)で、森嶋を空中で手ぶらで回転させることに成功しました。負けてしまったけど、全力を尽くしたから、自分の努力を誇りに思えます。この時点で、グローバルタッグの優勝は不可能になったけど、高山・佐野戦で自分たちのさらなる力を証明できます。高山選手とは去年広島でシングルで対戦しました。また対戦できて光栄です。(映像:クリス・ヒーロー vs. 高山善廣、2009年6月13日、広島グリーンアリーナ(Part I, Part II))佐野選手とは去年の11月に対戦しました。小橋・佐野組対バイソン・スミス・私組でした。小橋選手とは初対戦でした。

Wow. What can I say?
It's been over a day since our match with Kensuke and Morishima. I held off on writing because I wasn't sure what to say last night. It was a hard match. There were several moments when it felt like we would win. I came so close to knocking Kensuke out. Claudio came so close to pinning Morishima. When the match was finished, it was Kensuke who pinned Claudio after a Lariat and a Northern Lights Bomb.
A very emotional match for us. The crowd in Yokohama was strongly behind us and I could feel that they were sensing an upset victory by the Kings of Wrestling. Claudio and I used some spectacular tg team maneuvers. I dove out of the ring onto Morishima with a twisting Moonsault Press for the first time in my career. Claudio managed to spin Morishima in the air, hands-free, with his UFO (Unidentified Flying Opponent). We tried our best and even though we lost, I think we can be proud of our effort. Now we will not score enough points to win the Global Tag League but we can prove ourselves further against Takayama and Sano. I had a singles match with Takayama last year in Hiroshima (part 1, part 2) and it will be an honor to match up with him again. I wrestled Sano last November. It was Kobashi and Sano versus myself and Bison Smith, my first time wrestling Kobashi.
Tomorrow is Pro-Wrestling SEM. Myself and Claudio will team with Akira Taue versus Hirayanagi, Morishima and Sugiura. Should be an excellent match! We also have the luxury of riding the NOAH bus from our Hotel to Differ. It's a 3 minute drive I think!
Claudio and I have spent some time wandering around various shopping malls. First was in Yokohama across from the venue and today we went to Venus Fort near Ariake. It's great being able to walk around and see different things in different countries. I am fortunate for that opportunity.
I want to say that I am very sorry to hear about the retirement of Milano Collection AT. In 2005 and 2006, Milano and myself became friends outside of the ring and rivals inside the ring. He was spending time in the US to learn the American way of wrestling and he made quite a reputation for himself. He and I wrestled several times for CHIKARA and IWA Mid South. Both Milano and I have trained with legendary Lucha Libre Maestro Skayde (real name Jorge Rivera) so that helped outr in-ring styles produce entertaining matches. Milano-san was a nice guy with a big heart. I am incredibly sad that he can no longer wrestle. I wish him the best of luck. Thank you for all the good times, friend. Hope to see you soon.
That is all for now. Thank you and see you at the shows!
クリス・ヒーロー vs. KENTA、2009年10月12日ROHフィラデルフィア大会メインイベント (Part I, Part II)
オフの二日目は他の外人(キースとバイソン)でお台場のアクアシティに行って、Cantina ZESTで食事をしました。おいしかった。
日本のファンのみんな、ではまた。クリス・ヒーロー。クラウディオ・カスタニョーリ。そしてThe Kings of Wrestling。イチバン!
Yokohama Day #1 Our two days off were nice. Claudio and I were able to go to Differ and use the gym to work out. We saw KENTA. He was working hard to rehabilitate his injury. It was nice to see him. He has wrestled many times in the US for Ring of Honor. Last year, he and I had a tough singles match in Philadelphia. It was one of my best matches of the year. You can watch by visiting this link.
KENTA and I have developed friendly rivalry so once he returns to the ring I look forward to having more matches with him. It always amazes me how hard the Japanese wrestlers work. At the dojo, I would see Kobashi-san working out every day. He would be there for hours, working out hard and sweating profusely. Also, Masao Inoue has been trying his best to recover from his injury. When he makes his return, I know he will be in better shape than when he got injured. NOAH is blessed to have a very capable trainer. Asako-san used to wrestle for All Japan and NOAH, but when his career ended, he became the trainer. The NOAH wrestlers are lucky to have him.
On the other day off, myself and the other gaijin (Keith & Bison) went to Aqua City/Odaiba and ate at Cantina ZEST. Good food.
Today, Claudio and myself teamed with Ricky Marvin against Kensuke, Morishima and Marufuji. We caught them offguard early in the match and were able to overwhelm them with many double and triple team maneuvers. Unfortunately though, when you are in the ring with a wrestler as quick as Marufuji or as strong as Kensuke & Morishima, you never retain the advantage for long. My chest was bleeding again after several chops from Sasaki-san. Claudio won over the crowd with his power. He spun Morishima around the ring with a Giant Swing and I combined for a dropkick combination. He also lifted him over his head and I connected with an Elbow. I can feel my Elbow attacks getting stronger. I am also working to improve my chops. Tonight I hit both Morishima and Marufuji with very hard chops. Tomorrow, in our Global Tag League contest, I plan on giving Kensuke everything I have. If we are to win, I need to take down Kensuke and Claudio needs to take out Morishima. Morishima may be too big to execute the KRS-1, but we have many, many maneuvers that we can win matches with.
Claudio has learned how to write his name in Katakana! If you see him at a show. Ask for him to sign his name for you! He is a very well traveled and well cultured person. He can speak Swiss German, English, Spanish, French and he, too, is working on his Japanese.
Until next time, friends. Chris Hero. Claudio Castagnoli. The Kings of Wrestling. Ichiban!
クリス・ヒーロー vs. KENTA、2009年10月12日ROHフィラデルフィア大会メインイベント (Part I, Part II)
オフの二日目は他の外人(キースとバイソン)でお台場のアクアシティに行って、Cantina ZESTで食事をしました。おいしかった。
日本のファンのみんな、ではまた。クリス・ヒーロー。クラウディオ・カスタニョーリ。そしてThe Kings of Wrestling。イチバン!
Yokohama Day #1 Our two days off were nice. Claudio and I were able to go to Differ and use the gym to work out. We saw KENTA. He was working hard to rehabilitate his injury. It was nice to see him. He has wrestled many times in the US for Ring of Honor. Last year, he and I had a tough singles match in Philadelphia. It was one of my best matches of the year. You can watch by visiting this link.
KENTA and I have developed friendly rivalry so once he returns to the ring I look forward to having more matches with him. It always amazes me how hard the Japanese wrestlers work. At the dojo, I would see Kobashi-san working out every day. He would be there for hours, working out hard and sweating profusely. Also, Masao Inoue has been trying his best to recover from his injury. When he makes his return, I know he will be in better shape than when he got injured. NOAH is blessed to have a very capable trainer. Asako-san used to wrestle for All Japan and NOAH, but when his career ended, he became the trainer. The NOAH wrestlers are lucky to have him.
On the other day off, myself and the other gaijin (Keith & Bison) went to Aqua City/Odaiba and ate at Cantina ZEST. Good food.
Today, Claudio and myself teamed with Ricky Marvin against Kensuke, Morishima and Marufuji. We caught them offguard early in the match and were able to overwhelm them with many double and triple team maneuvers. Unfortunately though, when you are in the ring with a wrestler as quick as Marufuji or as strong as Kensuke & Morishima, you never retain the advantage for long. My chest was bleeding again after several chops from Sasaki-san. Claudio won over the crowd with his power. He spun Morishima around the ring with a Giant Swing and I combined for a dropkick combination. He also lifted him over his head and I connected with an Elbow. I can feel my Elbow attacks getting stronger. I am also working to improve my chops. Tonight I hit both Morishima and Marufuji with very hard chops. Tomorrow, in our Global Tag League contest, I plan on giving Kensuke everything I have. If we are to win, I need to take down Kensuke and Claudio needs to take out Morishima. Morishima may be too big to execute the KRS-1, but we have many, many maneuvers that we can win matches with.
Claudio has learned how to write his name in Katakana! If you see him at a show. Ask for him to sign his name for you! He is a very well traveled and well cultured person. He can speak Swiss German, English, Spanish, French and he, too, is working on his Japanese.
Until next time, friends. Chris Hero. Claudio Castagnoli. The Kings of Wrestling. Ichiban!
Tonight in Tochigi was a very hard match. Claudio and I lost our first Global Tag League match to the team of Akitoshi Saito & Go Shiozaki. I broke up the pin attempt on Claudio after a German Suplex, Strong Lariat combination but Shiozaki soon hit me with a short range Lariat and the Go Flasher. Claudio was able to kick out of another move but Saito's Sickle of Death enzuigiri knocked him unconscious. Very strong move.
Yes, we are both very disappointed with our loss. However, losing to two wrestlers as good as Saito & Shiozaki is nothing to be ashamed of.
It just means we have to work harder and put in a stronger effort next time. As a side note, I have been wrestling over 11 years, I have had over 1,000 matches and probably 500 opponents. Out of all of them Shiozaki has the most powerful chop. I had the fortune of wrestling Kobashi-san last tour and while his chops were vicious, Shiozaki is younger and close to reaching his prime. I have never felt such a strong crack against my chest as when I am in the ring with Go. Go's chops rival the chest kicks of KENTA.
We have 2 days off which will give us time to recover. Our next show is in Yokohama and we will be in a 6-man tag with our favorite Mexican (Ricky Marvin) against Marufuji, Kensuke & Morishima. Marufuji is one of my favorite opponents. He is one of the smartest wrestlers I have ever met. He is always creating new techniques and strategies. When you wrestle him, you have to pay close attention because you never know what he has in mind. The 6-man tag will be good for Claudio and myself to develop a strategy against Kensuke & Morishima. We will wrestle them the next night in our Tag League Block. Morishima is deceptively quick and Kensuke has very strong arms. We have to watch out for Lariats! Claudio will use his strength and European Uppercuts. I will use my tricky maneuvers and Elbows and together we will find a way to execute the KRS-1.
Thank you to everyone for the kind words, comments and gifts at the live shows. We will continue to gam batte!
Tonight in Tochigi was a very hard match. Claudio and I lost our first Global Tag League match to the team of Akitoshi Saito & Go Shiozaki. I broke up the pin attempt on Claudio after a German Suplex, Strong Lariat combination but Shiozaki soon hit me with a short range Lariat and the Go Flasher. Claudio was able to kick out of another move but Saito's Sickle of Death enzuigiri knocked him unconscious. Very strong move.
Yes, we are both very disappointed with our loss. However, losing to two wrestlers as good as Saito & Shiozaki is nothing to be ashamed of.
It just means we have to work harder and put in a stronger effort next time. As a side note, I have been wrestling over 11 years, I have had over 1,000 matches and probably 500 opponents. Out of all of them Shiozaki has the most powerful chop. I had the fortune of wrestling Kobashi-san last tour and while his chops were vicious, Shiozaki is younger and close to reaching his prime. I have never felt such a strong crack against my chest as when I am in the ring with Go. Go's chops rival the chest kicks of KENTA.
We have 2 days off which will give us time to recover. Our next show is in Yokohama and we will be in a 6-man tag with our favorite Mexican (Ricky Marvin) against Marufuji, Kensuke & Morishima. Marufuji is one of my favorite opponents. He is one of the smartest wrestlers I have ever met. He is always creating new techniques and strategies. When you wrestle him, you have to pay close attention because you never know what he has in mind. The 6-man tag will be good for Claudio and myself to develop a strategy against Kensuke & Morishima. We will wrestle them the next night in our Tag League Block. Morishima is deceptively quick and Kensuke has very strong arms. We have to watch out for Lariats! Claudio will use his strength and European Uppercuts. I will use my tricky maneuvers and Elbows and together we will find a way to execute the KRS-1.
Thank you to everyone for the kind words, comments and gifts at the live shows. We will continue to gam batte!
From the web manager: Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't automatically convert blogs to fit on a mobile phone screen. If you would like to read (or post a massage to) this blog on your mobile please bookmark this page. (Thank you GR san for the pointer!) If you have a difficulty in posting a comment, e-mail it to vff11212@hotmail.co.uk. We would be happy to translate and forward it to Chris Hero. Thank you.
From the web manager: Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't automatically convert blogs to fit on a mobile phone screen. If you would like to read (or post a massage to) this blog on your mobile please bookmark this page. (Thank you GR san for the pointer!) If you have a difficulty in posting a comment, e-mail it to vff11212@hotmail.co.uk. We would be happy to translate and forward it to Chris Hero. Thank you.
京都から東京への車での移動は長いです。すごく疲れているので、短めにします。今日の試合は8人タッグでした。私、クラウディオ、バイソン・スミス、キース・ウォーカー vs. ヨネ、力皇、玄藩、金丸でした。金丸と初めて対戦したのは2006年、イギリスの1PWという団体でした。金丸はすばらしいジュニアの選手です。ヨネと私の対決はいつも激しくなります。今日の試合、玄藩はバイソンとキースを敵に回しました。おいおい!クラウディオと私がKRS-1を玄藩にかけてまた1勝しました。この勝ちを栃木につなげて斎藤と潮崎を倒しにいきたいです。我がThe Kings of Wrestlingは全力を尽くします。
そういえば、名古屋のメインイベントは真壁&本間 vs. 杉浦&谷口でした。非常に激しい試合だった。谷口と杉浦は激しく流血しました。特に谷口はすばらしいファイティングスピリットを見せました。NOAHのチームにとって貴重な勝利だった。今回は生でたくさんすごい試合が見られるのでノアにとってエキサイティングなツアーです。去年のKENTA&潮崎 vs. 中嶋&健介を思い出すなぁ。すごい試合で鳥肌が立ったよ。
The drive from Kyoto to Tokyo is long. I am very tired so this will not be too long. Today was 8-man tag match. Myself, Claudio, Bison Smith, Keith Walker vs. Yone, Rikioh, Genba & Kanemaru. I first wrestled Kanemaru in England for 1PW in 2006. He is a great Jr. Heavyweight and I think my matches with Yone are always intense. In the match, Genba picked on Bison and Keith. Not smart! Claudio and I hit the KRS-1 on Hirayanagi and won another match. We look forward to continuing our momentum into Tochigi against Saito and Shiozaki. The Kings of Wrestling will fight hard.
This reminds me, the main event from Nagoya was Makabe and Honma vs. Sugiura and Taniguchi. The match was very intense. Both Taniguchi and Sugiura were bleeding profusely. Taniguchi, especially, showed great fighting spirit. It was a big victory for the NOAH team. It is exciting to tour for NOAH because you can see so many great matches live. I remember KENTA & Shiozaki v. Nakajima & Kensuke from last
June. A great match that gave me goose bumps.
To answer a question, yes, when I stayed at the NOAH dojo I tried natto. It was okay but not my favorite. When I stay in Ariake I enjoy inarizushi and sometimes a shaka chicken from McDonald's. When I am in Japan, though, I do not regularly go to places that I can in the US (McDonald's, KFC, Denny's). A great part about being able to travel so much is all the different food and cultures I am able to experience. I have wrestled now over 11 years and have competed in 15 countries. Wrestling is my love so I am very happy.
Thank you for Reading!
そういえば、名古屋のメインイベントは真壁&本間 vs. 杉浦&谷口でした。非常に激しい試合だった。谷口と杉浦は激しく流血しました。特に谷口はすばらしいファイティングスピリットを見せました。NOAHのチームにとって貴重な勝利だった。今回は生でたくさんすごい試合が見られるのでノアにとってエキサイティングなツアーです。去年のKENTA&潮崎 vs. 中嶋&健介を思い出すなぁ。すごい試合で鳥肌が立ったよ。
The drive from Kyoto to Tokyo is long. I am very tired so this will not be too long. Today was 8-man tag match. Myself, Claudio, Bison Smith, Keith Walker vs. Yone, Rikioh, Genba & Kanemaru. I first wrestled Kanemaru in England for 1PW in 2006. He is a great Jr. Heavyweight and I think my matches with Yone are always intense. In the match, Genba picked on Bison and Keith. Not smart! Claudio and I hit the KRS-1 on Hirayanagi and won another match. We look forward to continuing our momentum into Tochigi against Saito and Shiozaki. The Kings of Wrestling will fight hard.
This reminds me, the main event from Nagoya was Makabe and Honma vs. Sugiura and Taniguchi. The match was very intense. Both Taniguchi and Sugiura were bleeding profusely. Taniguchi, especially, showed great fighting spirit. It was a big victory for the NOAH team. It is exciting to tour for NOAH because you can see so many great matches live. I remember KENTA & Shiozaki v. Nakajima & Kensuke from last
June. A great match that gave me goose bumps.
To answer a question, yes, when I stayed at the NOAH dojo I tried natto. It was okay but not my favorite. When I stay in Ariake I enjoy inarizushi and sometimes a shaka chicken from McDonald's. When I am in Japan, though, I do not regularly go to places that I can in the US (McDonald's, KFC, Denny's). A great part about being able to travel so much is all the different food and cultures I am able to experience. I have wrestled now over 11 years and have competed in 15 countries. Wrestling is my love so I am very happy.
Thank you for Reading!
我がThe Kings of Wrestlingにとって今日の名古屋はいい夜だった。クラウディオと私は小川良成と志賀賢太郎のタッグに勝ちました。さまざまな合体技をすることができた。これは勝つためのキーだと思っています。小川をリングの外に追いやって、クラウディオと一緒に必殺技、KRS-1をやることができた。私に言わせれば、KRS-1はもっとも効果的な合体技なんです。相手を二人の間で持ち上げたうえで、身長と力を使ってダブルのパワーボムの形でひっくり返して叩きつけるんだ。相手は2倍の力でマットに当たるし、ひっくり返すスピードに惑わされる。今のところ誰もKRS-1を返せた者はいない。だから、グローバルタッグリーグでこの技を使えば私たちは優勝できるはずです。
Tonight was a successful night in Nagoya for the Kings of Wrestling. Claudio and myself defeated the team of Yoshinari Ogawa and Kentaro Shiga. We were able to execute many of our double team maneuvers, which I think was key in us picking up the victory. I had Ogawa trapped outside the ring and I was then able to join Claudio in the ring so that we could hit our finishing move, the KRS-1. In my opinion, the KRS-1 is the most effective move in all tag team wrestling. We lift the opponent between ourselves and, using our height and strength, flip the opponent into a double power bomb. The opponent crashes into the mat with double the impact and is disoriented by the speed at which we flip him. No one have ever kicked out of the KRS-1, so if we are able to execute the move in the Global Tag League, we will pick up the victory.
On the way to Nagoya, we stopped at a rest plaza and I enjoyed my usual rest stop meal of "katsu kare." Ever since my first tour of Japan in 2004 for BJW, I have been eating katsu kare at the rest stops. Maybe it's a small tradition I have. Tonight after the show, Claudio, myself and Ricky Marvin enjoyed a delicious kebab. I enjoy many kinds of food. Many Japanese fans are surprised when I say I enjoy sushi, okonomiyaki, chanko, yukke, yakiniku, shabu shabu. I will try almost anything. Often times, I like what I try and will enjoy it again.
At most of the NOAH shows, you can find me at the merchandise table. I have Chris Hero shirts for sale and I do not mind taking pictures or signing autographs. Once again, tonight in Nagoya, many fans have come to me and said hello. If you see me and would like to speak, do not be afraid. I am practicing my Japanese, so if you do not speak English, it is okay!
Tomorrow, we go to Kyoto. It's a very beautiful city. Inside the arena, I am always impressed with how the stained glass looks. Wonderful! After Kyoto, it is back to Ariake. Thank you for all the comments. Keep them coming! Arigatou gozaimasu.
Tonight was a successful night in Nagoya for the Kings of Wrestling. Claudio and myself defeated the team of Yoshinari Ogawa and Kentaro Shiga. We were able to execute many of our double team maneuvers, which I think was key in us picking up the victory. I had Ogawa trapped outside the ring and I was then able to join Claudio in the ring so that we could hit our finishing move, the KRS-1. In my opinion, the KRS-1 is the most effective move in all tag team wrestling. We lift the opponent between ourselves and, using our height and strength, flip the opponent into a double power bomb. The opponent crashes into the mat with double the impact and is disoriented by the speed at which we flip him. No one have ever kicked out of the KRS-1, so if we are able to execute the move in the Global Tag League, we will pick up the victory.
On the way to Nagoya, we stopped at a rest plaza and I enjoyed my usual rest stop meal of "katsu kare." Ever since my first tour of Japan in 2004 for BJW, I have been eating katsu kare at the rest stops. Maybe it's a small tradition I have. Tonight after the show, Claudio, myself and Ricky Marvin enjoyed a delicious kebab. I enjoy many kinds of food. Many Japanese fans are surprised when I say I enjoy sushi, okonomiyaki, chanko, yukke, yakiniku, shabu shabu. I will try almost anything. Often times, I like what I try and will enjoy it again.
At most of the NOAH shows, you can find me at the merchandise table. I have Chris Hero shirts for sale and I do not mind taking pictures or signing autographs. Once again, tonight in Nagoya, many fans have come to me and said hello. If you see me and would like to speak, do not be afraid. I am practicing my Japanese, so if you do not speak English, it is okay!
Tomorrow, we go to Kyoto. It's a very beautiful city. Inside the arena, I am always impressed with how the stained glass looks. Wonderful! After Kyoto, it is back to Ariake. Thank you for all the comments. Keep them coming! Arigatou gozaimasu.
我がThe Kings of Wrestlingのパートナー、クラウディオ・カスタニョーリ、おめでとう。彼は今晩石森太二に勝ちました。日本のファンはカスタニョーリの強さにびっくりしたみたいだったね。今回は彼にとっての3度目のノアのツアーでした。彼がノアのレギュラーになるといいな。クラウディオは今まで一緒にリングに上がった中で最高のレスラーの一人だと思っています。彼が必要としているのは実力を発揮できる機会だけです。
私は膝蹴りとオリンピック予選スラムで杉浦に負けてしまいました。彼はGHCヘビー級王者にふさわしい選手です。今晩、彼を倒すのがどれだけ大変なことか分かりました。彼が潮崎にタイトルマッチで勝ったとき、私はリングサイドにいました。すばらしい試合だったよ。これほどクオリティの高い試合を目の前で見るのはすごい経験でした。今日は負けちゃったけど、トリッキーな動きで杉さんを不意に捕まえることはできました。私のローリングエルボーとデスブロー(Death Blow)で彼は一瞬意識を今にも失いそうになりました。彼の目玉が頭の後ろまでひっくりかえったのが分かったので、試合に勝ったと思いました。次回まで、もっとトレーニングして、もっといろんなエルボーのバリエーションを考え出して、彼に勝ちます。
Congratulations to my partner in the Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli, for his victory tonight against Taiji Ishimori. I think the Japanese fans were very surprised at how strong Claudio is. This is his 3rd tour of NOAH and I hope he will become a regular. In my opinion, he is one of the best wrestlers I have ever been in the ring with. He just needs the opportunity to show it.
I lost my match to Sugiura after a knee strike and an Olympic Slam.
There is a good reason that he is the GHC Heavyweight Champion and after tonight I now understand how difficult it will be to defeat him.
I was ringside for his title victory over Go Shiozaki and it was an incredible match. It is amazing to watch such high quality wrestling from so close. I may have lost tonight but I was able to catch Sugi-san offguard with my tricky offense. I know, at one point, after a rolling elbow and my Death Blow, he was VERY close to being knocked unconscious. I saw his eyes roll back into his head and I thought I had won the match. Next time I will train harder and come up with more elbow variations so that I can pick up the win.
Tomorrow we head to Nagoya. My friend Macky lives there. I met him in the US in 2001 and he has supported me ever since so it will be nice to see him. He has a wrestling shop. Please go look http://page.freett.com/pw_macky/
Many fans came up to me at Differ and mentioned this blog. Thank you very, very much. If I have time, I always enjoy taking with fans. I have loved Japanese wrestling for over 10 years now and it is an honor to be here doing what I love. Thank you for the support and do not be afraid to come say hello. Hazu kashiku nai!
私は膝蹴りとオリンピック予選スラムで杉浦に負けてしまいました。彼はGHCヘビー級王者にふさわしい選手です。今晩、彼を倒すのがどれだけ大変なことか分かりました。彼が潮崎にタイトルマッチで勝ったとき、私はリングサイドにいました。すばらしい試合だったよ。これほどクオリティの高い試合を目の前で見るのはすごい経験でした。今日は負けちゃったけど、トリッキーな動きで杉さんを不意に捕まえることはできました。私のローリングエルボーとデスブロー(Death Blow)で彼は一瞬意識を今にも失いそうになりました。彼の目玉が頭の後ろまでひっくりかえったのが分かったので、試合に勝ったと思いました。次回まで、もっとトレーニングして、もっといろんなエルボーのバリエーションを考え出して、彼に勝ちます。
Congratulations to my partner in the Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli, for his victory tonight against Taiji Ishimori. I think the Japanese fans were very surprised at how strong Claudio is. This is his 3rd tour of NOAH and I hope he will become a regular. In my opinion, he is one of the best wrestlers I have ever been in the ring with. He just needs the opportunity to show it.
I lost my match to Sugiura after a knee strike and an Olympic Slam.
There is a good reason that he is the GHC Heavyweight Champion and after tonight I now understand how difficult it will be to defeat him.
I was ringside for his title victory over Go Shiozaki and it was an incredible match. It is amazing to watch such high quality wrestling from so close. I may have lost tonight but I was able to catch Sugi-san offguard with my tricky offense. I know, at one point, after a rolling elbow and my Death Blow, he was VERY close to being knocked unconscious. I saw his eyes roll back into his head and I thought I had won the match. Next time I will train harder and come up with more elbow variations so that I can pick up the win.
Tomorrow we head to Nagoya. My friend Macky lives there. I met him in the US in 2001 and he has supported me ever since so it will be nice to see him. He has a wrestling shop. Please go look http://page.freett.com/pw_macky/
Many fans came up to me at Differ and mentioned this blog. Thank you very, very much. If I have time, I always enjoy taking with fans. I have loved Japanese wrestling for over 10 years now and it is an honor to be here doing what I love. Thank you for the support and do not be afraid to come say hello. Hazu kashiku nai!
A reader informed us that the comment box did not show up properly. We have fixed the problem. Thank you for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience.
A reader informed us that the comment box did not show up properly. We have fixed the problem. Thank you for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience.
From the website manager: Feel free to leave messages for Chris. All comments will be translated into English and forwarded to Chris. :-) He is studying Japanese and he looks forward to hearing from Japanese fans.
From the website manager: Feel free to leave messages for Chris. All comments will be translated into English and forwarded to Chris. :-) He is studying Japanese and he looks forward to hearing from Japanese fans.
今日、東京に着きました。世界的に有名なリベラ・ステーキハウスで、我がThe Kings of Wrestlingのパートナーであるクラウディオ・カスタニョーリとディナーを楽しみました。明日、ディファ有明でクラウディオは石森太二と闘います。私はといえば、大きな挑戦に向かいます。GHCヘビー級王者の杉浦貴と闘うのです。杉浦とは2008年にドイツのWXWのシングルマッチで闘いました。ドイツでの負けを復讐つもりでいます。杉浦に勝ったら、間違いなくGHCヘビー級のタイトルマッチの挑戦資格を得るでしょう。クラウディオと私はグローバルタッグリーグを楽しみにしています。私たちはいつも最高の闘いを求めていますから。読んでくれてありがとう!
Arrived in Tokyo today. I enjoyed a steak dinner at the world famous Ribera Steakhouse along with my partner from the Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio wrestles Taiji Ishimori tomorrow at Differ Ariake. I have a big challenge as I take on the GHC Heavyweight Champion, Takashi Sugiura. We had a singles match for wXw in Germany in 2008. I am now hoping to avenge my loss from Germany and when I beat Sugiura, I will, more than likely, receive a GHC Heavyweight Title shot. Claudio and I are excited for the Global Tag League as we are always looking for the best competition. Thank you for reading!
Arrived in Tokyo today. I enjoyed a steak dinner at the world famous Ribera Steakhouse along with my partner from the Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio wrestles Taiji Ishimori tomorrow at Differ Ariake. I have a big challenge as I take on the GHC Heavyweight Champion, Takashi Sugiura. We had a singles match for wXw in Germany in 2008. I am now hoping to avenge my loss from Germany and when I beat Sugiura, I will, more than likely, receive a GHC Heavyweight Title shot. Claudio and I are excited for the Global Tag League as we are always looking for the best competition. Thank you for reading!
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